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 candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may.

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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 629590
Puntos : 961002
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Empty
MensajeTema: candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may.
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 6:02 pm
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amelia tu
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Amelia-tu-2022
Height: 5’7
Hometown: Vancouver, BC
Languages: English, Mandarin, French (conversational)
Occupation: Student at University of California, Berkeley (Biology and Business Dual Degree)

Hailing from Vancouver, BC, Amelia is a 20-year-old Chinese-Canadian currently pursuing a simultaneous program in Biology and Business at the University of California, Berkeley. She is deeply passionate about sustainability and spreading environmental awareness. As the front cover of Avessa Magazine’s Summer 2021 issue, she discusses her journey of realizing this passion and how she is planning on achieving her goals.
Although she has a vast variety of interests, her all-time favourite hobby would have to be exploring different genres of dance. In fact, Amelia has been dancing since the age of 3 and won the gold medal at the International Models & Talent (IMTA) Dance Competition. She has also previously competed in Rose Queen and Princess Pageant hosted in Oregon State and was crowned the 2020 Miss Chinese Rose Princess.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
Love dancing, singing, thrifting, exploring restaurants, traveling, and going on adventures with friends.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

Piano, flute, modern/ballet/traditional Chinese dance.
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
Dance, swim, basketball, and volleyball.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
My dance teacher – she has always pushed me to challenge myself and grow. She was also the one to introduce me to modeling and pageantry.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?
Winning the gold medal at IMTA’s dance competition.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
My mom put me in a dance studio and a swimming club when I was 3 and asked me to pick one. I chose dance and have been dancing since then!
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
Running my own sustainable brand or distributing sustainable fabric to major fashion houses and manufacturers. I’m currently in a dual degree program that will aid me in this goal.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
One in which I can travel the world and also make a lasting, positive impact on people.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was born in Montreal then shortly moved back to China. My grandparents raised me in a loving household until I turned 3 and moved to Vancouver with my parents.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
Volleyball referee, receptionist at a speech arts academy, model for a personal shopper at Nordstrom.
List any volunteering you have done.
Youth leader at Operation Rainbow Canada, teacher’s assistant at my dance studio, and speech arts assistant at BASA.
What is your most unusual talent?
I can say tongue twisters in Mandarin really fast!
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
The Laccadive Sea in the Maldives.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
Traveling and running my business that will create a positive impact on the world and the people in it.

Última edición por julinha el Lun Mayo 09, 2022 6:09 pm, editado 2 veces
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 629590
Puntos : 961002
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Empty
MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may.
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 6:04 pm
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angela guta
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Angela-guta-2022
Height: 5’8
Hometown: Edmonton, AB
Languages: English, Shona
Occupation: Student at University of Alberta (Psychology)
Angela Guta is an advocate for “Ubuntu” and the founder of Lookintomylife, a YouTube channel. The channel uses psychological tools to ignite women to rise and be change agents. Twenty-one-year-old Angela was born in Zimbabwe’s capital city Harare. The country sits firmly above South Africa and is hugged by neighboring countries Mozambique and Botswana. Angela spent the first 5 years of her life cradled in the heart of Zimbabwe, surrounded by family, and loved ones. She was brought up in an academic environment, and her parents made education a top priority. Angela’s parents were professors at the University of Zimbabwe. In search of greener pastures and postgraduate education, her family migrated from Zimbabwe to the USA with the hopes of creating a life full of opportunities. Financially, her family did not have much as both parents were students. The stipends they received were hardly enough to put food on the table. Angela is very familiar with the transition of coming from abundance to poverty. The food banks became the source of subsistence for their family. After her mother completed her doctoral studies in 2010, Angela’s family immigrated to Canada, the land of opportunity and inclusion model. Living in different countries at pivotal developmental moments in her life was humbling for Angela. She had the opportunity to learn about different cultures, master the art of adaptivity, and understand the importance of embracing her identity. It gave her the ability to empathize with many different walks of life and is ultimately the root that keeps her grounded in her principles of compassion. As a result of her experiences, Angela values and enjoys giving back to her community by making time to volunteer for a variety of important organizations. Angela contributes immensely to the philanthropy world. She has worked with over ten organizations in her past years of community involvement. They range from Bissell Centre Housing Options Program, University of Alberta’s Black Student Association, to Change for Children in Ecuador. Angela is currently raising funds for a widowed mother displaced by floods in Zimbabwe.
Angela advocates for the “Ubuntu” philosophy of ‘Oneness.’ Ubuntu is a South African philosophy that translates to “I am because we are.” Having the spirit of “Ubuntu’ means treating each other with respect, dignity, and kindness by virtue of our shared humanity. It’s ultimately about using our innate connectedness to improve not just our own lives, but also the lives of those around us. Angela credits the lineage of strong women who came before her for paving a clear path and demonstrating by example what it means to carry oneself with the air of ‘Ubuntu’.
Angela is an ambitious individual, who works hard at being the best version of herself. Those that know her best would describe her as bubbly, warm, caring, kind, and full of life! As the founder of Lookintomylife, you can find Angela online doing blogs and YouTube videos sharing empowering messages intended to help women change their narrative by refraining from putting limitations on what they “can” do. Since the inception of her legacy project in July 2012, Angela has impacted a measurable number of over 87.4 K subscribers through her social media platform. Angela’s YouTube channel began as an outlet for creative expression but eventually blossomed into a safe space for women and girls globally. She hopes to continue to have the privilege of reaching people through her creativity and vulnerability. Angela is currently a full-time student at the University of Alberta, majoring in psychology and a budding singer-songwriter. Following her pending graduation in 2022, Angela plans on pursuing her master’s degree in psychology. Angela has consistently maintained her place in the honor roll all the way from jr high and furthering high school education. She has received numerous awards, specifically the Alexander Rutherford scholarship for her academic honors distinction. Angela enjoys reading, singing, creativity, and especially volunteering. With her education and experience in the pageant, she hopes her legacy project will add value to her vision of a world that aims to works together.
Angela’s family background and rich cultural experiences have taught her that it is possible to achieve one’s goals regardless of current circumstances. Her mother always told her that “whenever you see a woman in a position of privilege, it is because of a line of women behind her who suffered and sacrificed so she could be there”, and this is exactly the case with her. Angela ultimately hopes her platform will invite women and girls to live boldly, fearlessly, and to remember that we should always take the leap, especially in the moments we are the most scared to do so.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I like to use the term “storytelling” as a descriptor to encompass all that I am passionate about. In my truest essence, I am creatively driven. Singing has been a form of self-expression for me since I was 8 years old. I also enjoy theater and the performing arts. Not only do I enjoy written and audible art, but I also adore visual arts. I love creating videos and my YouTube channel has given me the opportunity to exercise this form of creativity. A little fun fact about me is, I have re-watched “The Cheetah Girls” a handful of times and absolutely cannot get enough of it!
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)
I was fortunate enough to have parents that gave my sibling and me the freedom to explore our interests as we developed into young women. I was enrolled in gymnastics, swimming, jazz dancing lessons, and also participated in martial arts karate. From my time in music lessons, I learned how to play the clarinet. I was in art classes all throughout my childhood and this is where I developed my love for creativity. I have also taken modeling and runway classes as well as acting lessons for film and television.
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
I participated in track and field as well as cross-country growing up. My physical education teachers were always very supportive and encouraged me to pursue high jump, long jump, and sprinting! It was tremendously thrilling for me.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
There are so many people that I feel keen to learn from and humbled in their presence. Unfortunately, I never truly got the opportunity to get to know my grandparents. I only briefly remember meeting them. But upon immigrating to North America, my parents knew that one of the sacrifices that were being made was that my sisters and I would not get to really know our extended family. Regardless, the stories I was told by my mother about my grandparents made me feel blessed. My maternal grandfather specifically was the true definition of an ally. In Zimbabwe, the students that achieve the highest grades on the exams are pushed into sciences. My mother was one of these students who was assigned to pursue schooling in STEM fields. Upon hearing this news, my great uncle told my grandfather to stop paying for my mother’s education because if she becomes too educated no man will want to marry her. My grandparents however did not listen to this advice and ended up paying for my mother’s education in sciences. She obtained her Ph.D. and of course, got married and had three girls. My grandfather’s efforts show the importance of men supporting the dismantlement of patriarchal systems. I genuinely admire this about him and use this as motivation to continue to shatter glass ceilings in my life.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?
One accomplishment that I feel proud of is reaching 80,000 Subscribers on my YouTube Channel while being a full-time University student. One of the most rewarding aspects of this achievement was receiving personal messages from women and girls worldwide telling me that I inspired them to have more self-love, be more confident, and healthier! I hope to continue this and eventually utilize my psychology degree in this digital space by creating videos on self-development in a way that opens discussions on vulnerable topics.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
I remember at an early age taking a class field trip to a safari in Zimbabwe. It is normal in my home country but I guess it would be considered unique here in Canada. Seeing animals in their natural habitat was breathtaking and of course a bit frightening. The only thing protecting us from the lions was the car we were traveling in, so it was definitely a rush, to say the least. I think that this is also one of the most unique things about me. I have experienced many different lifestyles. From being in small villages in Nyaga, and Shurugwi to African cities like Harare, Zimbabwe. Then subsequently moving to the USA and then eventually to Canada in 2010. These encounters gave me the opportunity to experience a variety of cultures and socioeconomic classes in three different countries. Such encounters have given me the ability to empathize with people from different walks of life and I appreciate this.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
My aspiration is to broaden my YouTube audience and potentially run my own talk show. A goal of mine is to eventually utilize my psychology degree in various digital spheres by creating videos or programs on self-development in a way that opens discussions on vulnerable topics such as mental health and well-being. I am already doing this at the micro-level and would be honored to be able to continue speaking on vulnerable topics on a larger scale to a broader audience. I also intend to break into the music and entertainment industry. It would be a dream of mine to one day be a part of a musical brought to film. I have always loved to sing and write songs and I am aware that consistency is the key to reaching my goals!
What would be your “dream job” in life?
A wise woman once said to me that “it’s best not to dream of a job, but rather a career”. I cannot say I know for sure where God will take me, however, I do aspire to hopefully have a career that gives me the opportunity to use my intellect and creativity. My dream career would be likely in the film or television industry.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
My family and I were almost nomadic in nature. We moved around frequently in my childhood. I was born in Zimbabwe’s capital city Harare. I remember my time in Zimbabwe as being one filled with the love of family! We lived in the city, but I was a village girl at heart. My family and I would take periodic road trips from the city to the village to visit my grandparents. The scenery is still engrained in my memory to this day. On the drive, we would pass by large mountains that appeared to crack and break the barrier between the earth and the golden sky. My grandparents had a farm and all I remember from that time was being extremely scared of the cows…I don’t think that fear went away. At the age of 5, we moved to the USA where my parents were pursuing their postgraduate studies. My family and I stayed in Michigan State University’s student residence until eventually moving to a small ranch house in East Lansing Michigan. I enjoyed spending time outdoors with my sisters. We had a garden and consequently would attract all types of animals in our backyard. During the summer, we found one of our favorite frogs passed on outside, and together with our neighborhood friend, we held a small funeral for Mr. Frog.
We did not have much during this time, but we made the most of every moment. Once my family fully immigrated and settled in Canada in 2010, things became steadier. This was the beginning of my decade of exploration. My parents were always extremely supportive of me and my dreams. My sisters and I now had the privilege of exploring activities like dance, music, and modeling. I am truly grateful for all these experiences that shaped me.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of the most interesting job, I have had is the year 2011! My sisters, and I set our sights on getting more involved in our community. Once the idea was formed, there was no stopping the processes. We started a small business called “NAC” helpers and even printed business cards that we distributed throughout our complex. The goal of the business was to provide babysitting services for our neighborhood. Mind you, at this time, my sisters and I were all between 7-11 years old. Needless to say, unfortunately, we did not get any clients. However, we took that “failure”, turned lemons into lemonade then opened a lemonade stand instead! The lemonade stand was a great success.

List any volunteering you have done.
    • I am one of the founders of the “Help fix the flood” campaign. The goal of this fundraiser is to raise money for a widowed mother who is displayed in Zimbabwe.
    • I volunteer with the CASA Foundation. The CASA center is a mental health clinic that focuses on child adolescence and family health. It is a counseling service that promotes family-centered therapy. I work with CASA as a support stream member raising money and awareness for the foundation.
    • I have done volunteer work with the University of Alberta’s Black Student association specifically while volunteering with the Edmonton Alberta Bissell center making food for the homeless populations in the surrounding area.
    • My mother put me into girls’ scouts at a young age. This gave me the chance to familiarize myself with doing good deeds locally. Raising money for charity was an annual event in my club.
    • I have always had a strong desire to give to my community. During my teen years, my sisters and I ran and funded an easter egg hunt for all kids in the Brookside neighborhood. It was a huge success, with hundreds of people showing up for the event.
    • I participated in the annual Terry Fox Run
    • I volunteered for my community church by supplying annual Christmas gifts
    • Raised money for:
      • Bissell Centre Housing Option Program (H.O.P)
      • Change for hildren ( Eco Lodge in Ecuador)
      • Shelterbox
      • Rock-A-Thon

    What is your most unusual talent?
  • This is a bit difficult to describe in words, but I will do my best. My “unusual”/weird talent is that I can sing with my lips flipped inside out. There are only a select few unlucky individuals who have had the opportunity to watch me in the act!

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
I love learning about different cultures, customs, and beliefs. My trip to Mexico gave me the privilege of learning about the Mayan civilization. The Tulum ruins are bordered by 784 meters of limestone which stretches and hugs the perimeter on three sides. It was beautiful to see how ahead of their time the Mayan people were. However, it was also heartbreaking to witness the reminisce of destruction. Now, all we are left with is the thought… “if only”. Who knows what the civilizations could have been? It is however incredible that this historic site has been preserved for all these years.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
In ten years, I hope to be running self-development programs. I also see myself starting a chain of Orphanages in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, specifically and non-exclusively in Southern African countries. And of course, by virtue of affinity as a Zimbabwean-Canadian I hope to be able to do this for Zimbabwe (definitely not single-handedly, it will surely take a village!). I also hope to be able to broaden my YouTube audience or have a talk show presence on daytime television. It would also be lovely to be successful in the music and acting scene. Additionally, I see myself being married one day and having babies!
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
Where we come from is a stepping stone to where we are going and our past is not our destiny. My grandparents, who barely had elementary education, and spent their lives in a small village, would never have imagined that I would have the honor and privilege to be contesting for Miss Universe Canada. Actions they took, such as the sacrifice of selling their cattle for income, ultimately led to my family and me having the option of immigrating. I believe that this is a testament to the power of living for something larger than ourselves. Our actions can create ripple effects that outlast our existence and reach the generations which follow. Canada has given me opportunities that were not easily accessible to those who came before me. I truly feel that I am my ancestors’ wildest dreams, and my wish is to make them smile in heaven.

Última edición por julinha el Lun Mayo 09, 2022 8:06 pm, editado 3 veces
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 629590
Puntos : 961002
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Empty
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candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 6:07 pm
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anna naumov
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Anna-naumov-2022
Height: 5’8
Hometown: Montreal, PC
Languages: English, French, Russian, Hebrew
Occupation: Assistant in the Department of Radiology
Anna Naumov’s story is one of challenges and triumph! She left her native Ukraine at only 7 years old and started a new life with her mom in Israel. That was a big step for her, as she had to learn a different language & alphabet which made it difficult for her to communicate with other kids. Anna grew up & went on to complete her undergraduate studies in Israel in Medical imaging,
Later on, she made Montreal home, where she had to learn French from scratch! Since arriving in Canada she has had to rebuild everything on her own. At first it was not easy, but she was able to overcome the difficulties and enjoy the new path in her life.  With her determination she was able to integrate into Canadian society successfully, to create new friends and to make Canada home.
Anna is now fluent in four languages and is working in a hospital as an assistant in the radiology department until her Radiology Technician license is recognized in Canada. She is investing all her strength into her professional success to be an active and productive member of Canadian society and hopes to give back to the community and to Canada itself, for the great life-changing opportunity it has given her.
She is a determined, purposeful strong woman who does not let any life circumstances stop her from living her life with enthusiasm and pursuing her goals. She likes to challenge herself and step out of her comfort zone, believing that this is how we grow and develop as a person. She also believes that knowledge of languages is very important, as this communication skill is highly valued in society and it helps her in life to communicate and make connections with people in different situations.
Anna would like to become the next Miss Universe Canada to be a role model for other immigrants, showing them they can reach their dreams and working with them to give them the tools to reach those dreams.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
As a life-loving person, I try to enjoy every moment as much as possible, even the simple moments like seeing a spectacular sunset or a walk in beautiful nature. I love to travel and discover new places, I feel it fills me every time with new energy and inspiration. Additionally, I also enjoy learning about new cultures and languages. Other things I enjoy are, concerts and festivals, and now that I live in Montreal it’s all very accessible & I really appreciate that. As someone active, I have always loved engaging in any fitness activity, lately that has been Zumba, gym, nature walks, and Pilates. And of course, the thing I enjoy more than anything else is quality time with my friends and family.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)
Ever since I can remember I have always loved expressing myself on stage, Growing up I was a competitive dancer for 6 years in Israel, where I trained in jazz, ballet, and hip-hop.
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
I have always loved to maintain an active lifestyle, in high school I was good at running and was even sent to represent my school in local running competitions, and dance classes.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
My first-grade teacher who believed in me and helped me integrate into the classroom and school by giving me an after-school mentoring program that helped me succeed academically, and socially to form friendships and be confident in myself.
It inspired me and gave me an example that sometimes it only takes one person that believes in you to make you thrive and become the best version of yourself.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?
If I had been asked this question a few years ago I would have said it was my undergraduate degree as a radiography technician. However, today I can say that this is the moment I completed my French studies in my first year in Canada with honors and was able to communicate with locals, pursue my professional studies, and work at a hospital in Montreal thanks to this achievement. Since French is the official language in Québec, to become an active member of society and find work in Greater Montréal, you need to master it.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
The most interesting thing about me is my multicultural experience, since I have lived in 3 different countries, I have learned to adapt to any new situation and culture. The most unique thing that ever happened to me is that during two years of my high school I moved to an agricultural boarding school, where we combined agricultural work, and regular studies, and I would help at horse farms to care for and learn about horses, as well as horseback riding practice.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
My career ambition is gain expert knowledge in the Medical Radiologic Technology field in order to provide dedicated and compassionate care to patients.
To achieve this goal I must pass the provincial order (OTIMROEPMQ) exam and must obtain the French proficiency requirement in order to receive a license to practice in Quebec. Since I graduated from outside of Canada I am going through the equivalence process of my degree to follow my career in the Canadian healthcare system. At this point, since I moved to Canada I have studied the French language and obtained the French proficiency requirement, as well, I completed an internship at a local hospital and all I have left is to pass the provincial exam.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
My dream job would be to dedicate my career to helping people, working in the health and medical industry, practice in Medical Radiologic Technology and help to better diagnose medical problems and encourage recovery, as well as pursue a management career in this field.
On top of this, I hope to be in a position of teaching and encouraging young people and especially young immigrants to believe in themselves and help them realize their full potential and pursue their dreams. There are endless opportunities waiting for them and sometimes they just need the right guidance, and I believe my experience as a twice-immigrant in life has given me the voice and knowledge to do so.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was born in Ukraine and lived there until the age of 7, at the age of seven I moved with my mother to Israel, and from that moment my life completely changed, I started living in a new country, with a new language, a new alphabet, and no friends or something familiar to me. Right when I arrived I started first grade, and I did not know a single local word, I felt different, like an outcast. I had difficulty communicating with the other children and understanding what the teacher explained in class. Although it was challenging, I always tried to integrate into the school and make new friendships by being active in after-school activities, dance classes, and the Scout movement. As well I participated in after-school tutoring programs to integrate faster academically since my mom could not help me since she herself studied and worked all day. After a while I became an outstanding student and worked hard to integrate into the new culture and be an active part of society.
At the age of 10 when my little brother was born, I had to help my mom to take care of him because she worked hard as a nurse, so I remember it taught me to combine my high school studies and responsibility for my little brother.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
I used to work as a receptionist at a hotel, so I got to meet people from different parts of the world, and from this experience I learned about time management and working under pressure because in a hotel a lot of unexpected situations can happen and you need to know how to deal with it while being able to deliver good service to guests.
List any volunteering you have done.
During my university studies, I volunteered for a mentorship program called Flower, which is tutoring for children who need educational and emotional help to promote, nurture and give every child an opportunity to realize their potential. What inspired me to participate in this program is that when I was 7 years old at the beginning of my journey in a new country I got a mentor from the same program who helped me a lot socially and academically and most importantly it helped me to believe in myself.
In the past year I have volunteered in the flagship event of the Match des étoiles in support of children’s hospitals in the greater Montreal area.
What is your most unusual talent?
My unusual talent is a good memory for faces, I am very good at remembering faces quickly, even with a couple second glance I can still remember where a person is familiar to me.
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
The place that impressed me the most was Paris, it was my first trip to Europe with my mother, I remember being very impressed by the ancient building style, architecture, art , culture and the special Parisian atmosphere that cannot be explained in words. We also visited the magnificent Louvre, the world’s largest museum. As well we visited the Eiffel Tower, all the way up to the highest floor at night and it was breathtaking to see the whole city in the lights, totally an experience that everyone should see once in a lifetime.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
In 10 years I hope to be self-fulfilling professionally and personally; I hope to continue an active lifestyle, to continue working on developing myself in areas that interest me, because I believe that in life there is always something new to learn and become better at. I also hope to be successful in my professional career in the health care system, contribute to society and possibly have a company that helps immigrants at the beginning of their journey in a new country. Additionally, I would hope to have my own happy family to share my life with and to travel the world & discover new places.
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
I am very excited toward my journey at Miss Universe Canada and curious to find out what I will discover about myself throughout the process. For me competing in Miss Universe Canada is to represent the Canadian multicultural diversity and to show that even as an immigrant you can compete on the national stage and proudly represent Canada, hoping to encourage more girls like me to do so. I am also very excited to meet all the other contestants and hope to make friendships for life.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 629590
Puntos : 961002
Like : 9910
Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Empty
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candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 6:10 pm
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dominique doucette.
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Dominique-doucette-2022-2
Height: 5’8
Hometown: Québec City, QC
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Occupation: Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist

Curious, compassionate, charismatic, and confident would be the words that describe Dominique best. Dominique was born and raised in the beautiful city of Campbellton, New Brunswick. She fell in love with being on stage at 4 years old during her first dance show. Since then, she has done dance, improv, drama shows, talent shows, stand-up comedy, fashion shows, master of ceremony, photoshoots, conferences, speeches, and many more. She felt the most alive when she was on stage, but growing older, Dominique realized that it’s by helping others that we truly find ourselves.
Dominique is well known for her leadership, she has been the president of the student body counselor in elementary school and in high school. Dominique used to be a dance teacher for many years, she loved to have a positive influence on young girls and show them her passion. She was also an active member of the Little Breakfast Club at her High School. This goal-oriented person won the Youth Merrit Award which recognizes young adults as potential leaders of tomorrow’s complex world.
In Dominique’s opinion, a person who doesn’t get out of their comfort zone doesn’t grow which led to the decision to move to Quebec City and pursue her education. She thinks as we live different experiences, we become more conscious of ourselves and we develop emotional intelligence. She graduated from Laval University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Relations with honors for her involvement in the community. Dominique is finishing up a 2nd cycle degree in Creativity, Innovation and Leadership in Human Resources. Furthermore, Dominique was part of the Excellence Competition of Industrial Relations. She was a member of the Joint Committee where she represented all the students in her program to improve the students’ experience during their studies. During that time, Dominique was also doing conferences for an antibullying campaign. Dominique was nominated for the campaign Du monde à connaitre which is an awareness campaign initiated by the Regional Immigration Dialogue Table of the Capitale-Nationale. It aims to show the positive side and the richness of immigration in the region. Dominique was also the Co-manager of Défilé Luna, who raised more than 30,000$ for Opération Enfant Soleil throughout the 4 years. Dominique modeled to raise money and raise awareness for eating disorders. In the meantime, she also created a discussion group for women who are diagnosed with breast cancer.
Throughout all her accomplishments, Dominique always kept a warm place in her heart for the town she grew up in. She was the guest of honor at the graduation ceremony of 2016 at the Polyvalente Roland-Pépin, back in her hometown. That same year, her high school honored her in their Hall of Fame for everything she’s accomplished after high school, including pursuing her dreams and making her school known all around the world. Self-confidence, interpersonal skills, speaking in public, making decisions and assuming the consequences, sense of organization, planning, coping with constraints and unforeseen events, but above all making it happen, Dominique has known how to adjust, make compromises and more often than not, make adjustments to her original plan. All of these are essential when tackling everything life has to offer.
Dominique is a passionate Senior Talent Acquisition Consultant who prides herself in her ability to adapt her capacity to adapt herself in various situations. Out of 10,000 members of the Certified HR Association, she was chosen to represent the next generation of leaders in her field at the annual Human Resources Congress. She strongly believes that it’s important to have organizations that include people from different cultures. She advocates to make job opportunities more accessible for all and for diversity to be more present in the workplace.
This won’t be Dominique’s first pageant. She was Miss Salmon Festival 2014, Miss New-Brunswick Second Runner up 2014, Miss Canada 2015 and Miss Teenager Universe 2015. Dominique was also a Duchess of the Quebec Winter Carnaval in 2018. Dominique also competed in Miss Universe Canada 2020 where she placed in the Top 10 and placed in the Top 10 at Miss Grand Canada the same year. In 2022, she had the honor of representing Canada at Reinado Internacional del Café.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I enjoy acting in my spare time, doing brand promotions but also getting involved in the community in one way or the other. I am the Director of a committee with the Youth Commerce Chamber of Quebec City and I am also an ambassador for a nonprofit that helps women get hygiene products called Vide ta Sacoche.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)
Since a young age, I have loved all sorts of performing arts. I danced for over fifteen years, and I continue to do so to express myself. Additionally, my mother taught me how to draw at a young age. In elementary school, I won a few drawing contests. I even drew my deputy Christmas card.
I have also participated in many runway and dramatic arts training. I also won the best comedian in a principal role at the FTJA.
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
Besides spending most of my time dancing as I mentioned earlier, in New Brunswick we have wonderful outdoor scenery, so I enjoyed skiing and snowboarding. I was also a softball player. I had the chance to represent Restigouche County at the Jeux de l’Acadie. I have been practicing golf for two years now, even though I am far from a professional athlete, I love to keep my body moving to stay healthy.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
It was and still is my grandfather Pete that is the person who impacted my life the most. On Christmas Eve 1994, he asked my mother to give him the gift he always wished for and it was for a little granddaughter. In September 1995, I made my first step into this world. He is my inspiration because he was proud of all of my accomplishments.
I really look up to him, because he was a fighter. He fought in the Korean War for our country. He fought for his place on a junior hockey team for the love of one of our most popular sports. He fought for making his way as a culinary chef in Lake Louise. He fought to help my grandmother with her business and the family. He also fought against cancer.
Unfortunately, it is the only battle he didn’t win. In 2004, my inspiration lost his life to cancer, but he is and will always be my hero. I wish I could have his courage, his audacity and his charisma.
In Campbellton, New Brunswick everybody knew my grandfather Pete. One day, I hope everybody knows me in a positive way like my grandfather who used to be an active member of the community.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?
I am proud to have worn Canada across my chest in 2015 at the Miss Teenager Universe Pageant in Panama City. I am also proud to say that I am the first and only Canadian to have won this title so far. This is my proudest accomplishment, not only because I got to wear the crown but because it allowed me to be someone all the young girls from Eastern Canada could look up to. If I was able to do it, all those young girls could do it too.
I hope to be able to have the chance to be that role model again at the Miss Universe Canada pageant.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
In 2012, I was chosen to receive the Vimy Pilgrimage Award. This award recognizes the actions of young people who are dedicated to the betterment of society by demonstrating an outstanding commitment to volunteer work through positive contributions, notable deeds, or bravery that benefits their peers, school, community, and province.
The Vimy Pilgrimage Award consists of a fully funded week-long educational program in Belgium and France to study Canada’s tremendous First World War contribution.
The First World War is an important, strategic moment in Canadian history and this experience helped me foster a greater appreciation for the sacrifices made for our freedom. It was a special moment because my greatest inspiration, my grandfather, was also a veteran.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
My main career ambition is to break the glass ceiling. Women shouldn’t be receiving 32% less than men in terms of salary. I believe the strength of our Canadian culture lies in our differences and we need to embrace those differences because that is what sets us apart as a nation. As a Human Resources Advisor, I fight daily to make the workplace a safer and fairer environment for all, and specifically women no matter their religious beliefs, skin color or social status. I want to make job opportunities accessible for everyone.
That invisible barrier should disappear with the abundance of innovation and affluence of diversity. I want to be known for my leadership, and give women the confidence they need to reach positions they wouldn’t have the courage to apply for.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
In 2019, I went to Atlanta to see the Miss Universe pageant all by myself. Seeing those poised and fearless women on stage was for me the definition of a Dream Job. I am proud to be competing for a chance to achieve my dream job.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I grew up in Campbellton, New Brunswick. Being from a small town you’re raised not just by your parents but by your whole community. My parents both have successful careers and have always shared the importance of education to my older brother and I.
Besides having hardworking parents, they were also very supportive too. They gave us the opportunity to follow our desires and to be part of any sports or any extracurricular activities that we wanted. Being committed to such activities taught me essential life skills like time management, teamwork and discipline.
I consider myself lucky because I never missed out on anything, but my parents raised me to be grateful about it every day and to help those who didn’t have the same opportunities as I did.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
In 2011, I traveled to Louisiana to promote bilingualism at the Acadian Congress. Did you know that New-Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual in Canada? I cherished this opportunity to relate to my Acadian roots and to bring awareness to bilingualism.
In 2017, I had the opportunity to represent the Quebec Winter Carnaval in Paris. My team and I did presentations in travel agencies to promote the pleasure of the snow in France. We promoted Canadian maple syrup products at a booth in the job fair and we also visited the Canadian Embassy. It was great to share our history and our love for winter.

What is your most unusual talent?
I would say my unusual talent is that I create connections easily with people.
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
In January 2022, I had the pleasure to represent Canada for the second time in an international pageant at Reinado Internacional del Café. Colombia for me is the most interesting place I have been because I never received so much love from so many people that I didn’t know before. I am proud that I got recognized by the journalist as the most heartwarming and charismatic delegate from the 50th edition of this pageant. I am proud because if I become Miss Universe Canada 2022, I would love to be known for the same reasons Colombian’s fell in love with me. Even though I ended up getting Covid-19 during this pageant, it was still one of the best experiences in my life.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
In ten years, I envision myself continuing to share my passion for philanthropy with my surroundings and create a scholarship for girls so they have the opportunity to compete in a pageant or just follow her dreams. I strongly imagine myself inspiring people and being surrounded by inspiring people too. I predict a bright future for myself because if we believe it, it will happen right?
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
Thank you for taking the time to read my bio. I am so grateful for this opportunity, and I will ensure to remember the chance I have had throughout all this journey.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 629590
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Empty
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candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 6:16 pm
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emmanuella likibi
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Emmanuella-likibi-2022
Height: 5’7
Hometown: Hamilton, ON
Languages: English, French
Occupation: Student at McMaster University
Emmanuella Likibi was born in Montreal, Quebec, and is now living in Hamilton Ontario. She is currently studying to obtain an undergraduate degree in Philosophy and Business at McMaster University and plans to graduate in June of 2022. Emmanuella presently works part-time as an insurance agent and plans to attend Osgoode Hall Law School.
After finishing her schooling, Emmanuella dreams of travelling the world. She hopes to visit countries in Asia and Africa in particular. Coming from a diverse Polish and Congolese background, Emmanuella appreciates learning about new cultures and meeting an array of different people. Emmanuella is an all Canadian girl and loves to spend time at cottages. She also enjoys Canadian singers, actors, and culture. Emmanuella is bilingual in French and English and is able to fluently communicate in both national languages.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I enjoy reading, traveling, watching shows and documentaries, casual research, and spending time with my friends and family.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)
I danced for eight years when I was younger, I did ballet and tap dance. I also participated in a couple musical theatre productions in my teen years. I briefly played the violin and the flute during elementary school.
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
I played on my high school badminton team for one year. Truthfully I was a benchwarmer. I am not the sportiest gal.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
My best friend Adriana has had a great influence on my life. Adriana is currently studying to be a teacher and is an active member of her community. Adriana’s kindness, selflessness, and patience are an inspiration to me and everyone around her. Her future students will be so lucky to have Adriana as a teacher, and the world could use more people like her.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?
I was very proud to receive an award for best lawyer during a regional mock trial competition. I remember a judge making a comment that the advocacy he witnessed from me was better than a lot of advocacies that he sees in real courtrooms. That was a very proud moment for me.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
The most interesting thing about me is my unique background. I am half Polish and half Congolese, both cultures drastically different from one another. I do not think that anyone has ever guessed my background correctly!
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
I aspire to work in the legal field. I have recently been admitted to Osgoode Hall Law School and plan on starting my legal studies in Fall 2022. At this time I am unsure which type of law I wish to practice, but am confident that I will decide upon commencement of my studies.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
My dream job would be a television personality such as a news anchor or talk show host. I love to talk and act, and I would love to be on TV! I can not imagine anything better suited for me, and I am hopeful that such an opportunity will present itself at some point in my life.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was raised in Montreal, West Virginia, and Hamilton. I was an only child until I was nine, and I moved around several times throughout my childhood, so learning to be social and making friends was a necessity. I spent my childhood in dance classes, playing with my friends and hanging out with my parents. I always enjoyed school and did quite well at it, so a lot of my childhood was also spent fantasizing about different career paths and things to do later in life!
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
I worked as a summer camp counsellor for three years! While it was a job, it didn’t feel like it! being with so many amazing children and upbeat counsellors every day made it like going to camp as a teenager which was amazing!
List any volunteering you have done.
I have volunteered for organizations mostly through my university. One being Period. The Menstrual movement, which is an organization aimed at minimizing stigma surrounding menstruation and increasing accessibility to affordable menstrual products for all females. I also volunteered for an organization called Zero Waste Hamilton, which seeks to eliminate hunger by diverting food waste from local businesses to those in need.
What is your most unusual talent?
I am a great storyteller! I can often captivate the interest of people when recounting an event or telling an existing story, through my way with words and expressionism.
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
The most interesting place that I have been to is my mom’s hometown in Poland. What was most interesting was seeing where and how my mom grew up, and the adaptation that it must have taken to now live in Canada full time.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
In ten years, I hope to have an established career. I also hope to have checked several destinations off my travel bucket list! Probably most important to me, I hope to have a family.
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
I love Canadian culture! In terms of artists Justin Bieber is one of my favorite singers, and Rachel McAdams is one of my favorite actresses! In terms of food, I love poutine and maple delicacies. I also love the beautiful landscapes and different areas, the wide variety of people, and the incredible opportunities that are part of being Canadian!
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 629590
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Empty
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candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 6:20 pm
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gloren guelos
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Gloren-guelos-2022
Height: 5’6
Hometown: White Rock, BC
Languages: English, Tagalog
Occupation: Nurse, College Instructor
Perseverance, passion and positivity are what drives Gloren Guelos to achieve her ambitions in life. Gloren is a nurse, a college instructor and an advocate for education. She advocates for better access to resources and healthcare for minority communities and stands for further research in health care education. Born in the small town of San Jose located in the province of Antique, Philippines, Gloren’s humble beginning made her the woman that she is today. Her early experiences in life paved the way through working with different charities and supporting causes that are dear to her heart.
At the age of six, Gloren was left in the care of her grandparents while her mother made the bold decision to immigrate to Canada in search of a promised future for their family. At the age of twelve, Gloren was reunited with her mother and became a proud Canadian in the beautiful province of British Columbia. Gloren faced the challenges of adapting to a new country head-on and overcame each one through resilience and determination. She gained confidence in herself by finding her love for dance and aspired to become a nurse. Gloren became a school dance team coach for three years and she was also the head student council where she led and coordinated a multitude of events for the school. These experiences sparked interest in Gloren over the years as she continues to host fundraising events since 2016 for charities such as The Canadian Cancer Society, The SOS Children’s Villages, Joy Smith Foundation and her annual gift giving of educational supplies for children living in low-socioeconomic communities.
The word “strength” was engraved in Gloren’s heart when she lost her father to cancer while completing the final steps of becoming a nurse. Although it was the most difficult time for Gloren, she continued to provide for herself to finish the Licensed Practical Nursing program. As a working student, she juggled going to college while tutoring high school students, waitressing and modelling. Gloren became a nurse at the age of nineteen specializing in geriatric care, where she helps our seniors manage the changes in their physical and mental health in the final stages of their lives. At twenty-three, Gloren found an opportunity to become an instructor at Drake Medox College and three years later, she also became a clinical instructor for Stenberg College. Gloren teaches aspiring Health Care Assistants and she is eager to advance her career by earning her Master’s Degree and Doctor’s of Philosophy in Nursing to eventually one day join the faculty at the University of British Columbia. She wants to teach aspiring nurses as she sees potential in improving the learning process for students through a balanced approach of client-centred care and advanced technology research for health care education. Throughout Gloren’s experience as a nurse and as an educator, she witnessed the need for advocating for minorities in health care systems. Gloren’s goal is to build a platform where she can use her experience to bring awareness and build better access to resources and healthcare for minorities.
Gloren’s tenacity and will power led her to earn the titles of Miss Earth Canada 2020, Miss Supranational Canada 2019, Miss World British Columbia 2019 and Miss British Columbia 2016. It goes without saying that Gloren is no stranger to the importance of having a platform that uplifts and helps others to believe in themselves. Being a fan of pageantry at such a young age, Gloren was inspired by the confidence of women on stage, enjoying their moment representing their countries. As a hopeful delegate for the largest platform in pageantry, Gloren wants to show the world that Canada is a representation of diversity and inclusivity. Gloren’s life and character illustrate how she lives life without borders. She is the epitome of the power of hard work and positivity. Lovingly referred to by friends and family as “Glow”. This perfectly suits Gloren because she truly Glows through every obstacle and is living proof that having faith in yourself, cultivates a world with limitless possibilities. When you glow, you grow.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
As a naturalist, I love the outdoors. I love the fresh air, the sound of the ocean and the vibrant trees in the forest. I am a dancer by heart and I found my passion for dance when I was in high school where I eventually became a dance team coach for three years. I like going for runs and practising yoga. I also enjoy meeting and connecting with people! I like trying new cuisines, journaling and collecting stationeries. In my pastime, I listen to podcasts by Oprah Winfrey, Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer or listen to some of my favourite songs.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.) 
    • Nursing
    • Adult Learning Education
    • Dementia Care Training
    • CPR & First Aid Training
    • Public Speaking
    • Self Defence Training
    • Fitness Training
    • Social Media & Marketing
    • Choreography & Dancing
    • Modelling
    • Acting

    In what sports, if any, have you participated?

I enjoy playing volleyball. I love the adrenaline rush, the teamwork, the thrill and fun of it all. A few of the key points that I learned from being with a team is working effectively together, staying committed and determined. Playing volleyball is really exciting and challenging at the same time. You have to build your stamina and develop a strong mindset in the sport.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
The person who has the most influence in my life is my grandfather, Enrique Guelos. He is a well-known leader in our home town. Known as a tough, strict, big-hearted kind of man, being the only grandchild out of twelve cousins to have lived with my grandparents made me feel so special. What I admire most about him is his determination and his love for his family. My grandfather did not finish any sort of education as he was raised by farmers but being illiterate did not stop him from pursuing his dreams. As a fish farmer, he managed to support all his children to finish their post-secondary education. He trusted his capabilities and had faith that he could do anything. His perseverance paved the way to achieving his dreams. Now, grandpa, or “lolo,” our word for grandfather, is currently the owner of “Guelos Fishery” in the Philippines where he not only manages his own business but he also provides food for all the farmers working for him. I am proud to be his granddaughter.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)? 
As a nurse at the age of nineteen is something that I am very proud of. Being a nurse at a young age was filled with many expectations. I was a working student while completing my studies as a Licensed Practical Nurse. I supported myself through school to help my single mother financially. I have provided for myself as best as I can since I was fourteen. My work ethic and determination made me a stronger individual. As I gained more experience being an LPN, I learned that I have a gift to influence people. At twenty-three years old, I became an instructor at Drake Medox College and at twenty-six years old, I became a clinical instructor at my alma mater, Stenberg College. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to be where I am today. In this chapter of my life, I want to use my ability to empower and encourage people to take action on their dreams and be the bridge to help people in need.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you? 
The most unique thing that has ever happened to me occurred during the first year of the pandemic. In 2020, I had the opportunity to represent Canada in the first international virtual competition in Miss Earth 2020. Since it was the first virtual pageant, everything was new and unfamiliar so I had to figure out how I can best represent Canada internationally while being in the comfort of my own home. Throughout the competition, I found a supportive team to assist me with my presentations. Even though I am someone who can work independently, in this time, it truly took a village. Since the host country is the Philippines, the time difference was a challenge while working as a frontline worker. But that did not stop me. At times, I had to get ready for 3 A.M. live interviews and because it was held during fall season in Canada, I had to brave the cold for filming my national costume and swimwear as the requirement was to present our videos outdoors. This journey taught me to become more resourceful, more innovative and be more confident in myself. It was a beautiful experience because I got to witness what seemed so impossible turn out to be life-changing.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal? 
My career ambition is to become a University professor for Registered Nurses and Health Care Assistants. In 2018, I obtained a role as a Health Care Assistant Instructor and this opportunity made me understand my calling in life: to influence people by seeing humanity in others. Being an instructor allows me to be a leader and instill valuable health care life lessons with my students. I want to redefine how the next generation of healthcare workers can provide care which is through compassion, inclusivity, empathy and advocacy. I believe that we need more leaders in every care department. I plan to accomplish this goal by completing my Master’s Degree in nursing and Doctor’s of Philosophy so I can help improve the nursing education system. I want to establish balance between client-centred care and advanced practice through technology research in nursing education.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
My dream job is to have my own non-profit organization that will support various causes such as providing educational supplies for children locally and internationally and providing financial support for new immigrants living in Canada. I see myself as a woman who can lead my own organization while making a difference in the health care education system. My dream is to become a director of a post-secondary institute and implement further cultural awareness and develop strategies to improve leadership roles in Nurses and Health Care Assistants.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was born in Antique Philippines and grew up in a small town called Dumangas, Iloilo. A home surrounded by fisheries and farmlands. I had a very humble upbringing. As an only child, my playmates were children that lived 40 minutes away from our house. My mom worked hard to give me an education in a nearby City. At the age of six, my mom pursued a career in Canada, so I was left with my grandparents. At the age of twelve, I was reunited with my mom and immigrated to Canada. Being a teenager in a new country had its challenges and memorable experiences. I had to learn and adapt to a new culture, moving from a small town to a city with all its conveniences. I have also gained new friends from different cultures who eventually became family.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had. 
The first interesting job I have had in the past was volunteering for a field trip at a senior’s home. It was really fun assisting the recreational team of a residential home attend a garden field trip. With so many personalities, it was a really fun experience. The second interesting job was creating diaper cakes. It was a fun way to give gifts where I had to form real baby diapers into a cake. I found it therapeutic and I was happy to make the child’s mom smile, especially during baby showers, baptisms and first birthdays! My diaper cake was the centre of attraction as it personalized the party’s theme!
What is your most unusual talent?
To this day, I still think that my most unusual talent is to have the ability to make my brows move like waves!
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
My first European travel experience will be the most unforgettable time of my life. In November 2019, I had the opportunity to represent Canada in Miss Supranational 2019 that was held in Poland. Travelling alone made me realize how much I love to be independent. I got to stop over in Paris and I was able to see a glimpse of the City. During my first international pageant competition, the organization toured us around Katowice, Krakow and Warsaw. The culture, the food and the architectural designs of the buildings were so grand and beautiful. Of course, I was able to taste the authentic perogies! I also saw the Salt Mine cave and was lucky enough to experience the Christmas Market in Krakow. It was like being in a real-life snow globe! On my way back home, I took a day to see Amsterdam. I had the chance to try their local waffles, ride their local buses and I got to walk around the famous canals of Amsterdam!
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
In ten years, I see myself as a professor at the University of British Columbia, travelling the world as an ambassador for international charitable organizations and I also see myself as a spokesperson for minority groups where I have made policies for better accessibility to resources and healthcare. I want to live life to the fullest and do what is meaningful to me and do the things that I am most passionate about. I want to help, to connect with people and to be a leader.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 629590
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Empty
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candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 6:29 pm
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hanna begovic
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Hanna-begovic-2022
Height: 5’9
Hometown: Vaughan, ON
Languages: English, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian

Hanna Begovic is a proud first-generation Canadian living in the city of Vaughan. She recently graduated from York University’s dance program with a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours. A competitive dancer since the age of 8, Hanna knows what it means to be passionate and relentless in achieving your goals. Training intensively in all styles of dance including Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Contemporary, Modern, Hiphop and more, she has since taken her years of experience and turned to teaching the performing artists of the future. As a competitive level instructor, she knows what it means to lead, inspire and motivate young artists to not give up in pursuit of their dreams.
Growing up with an immigrant mother led to Hanna learning English as a second language when she began school. To date, she is fluent in 4 languages and hopes to continue to learn more throughout her travels. Above all, she constantly continues to demonstrate her love for helping people of all walks of life. Whether it be spending time visiting an orphanage housing young, disabled children in China, to raising thousands of dollars for charities such as Children’s Wish, Free the Children and more, she truly believes that kindness and compassion for others are among the most beautiful traits a person could have.
Although she is young, her resilience and drive will continue to make her a force to be reckoned with. Balancing 2 jobs while helping her single mother support 3 younger siblings is no easy task, but she takes it in stride and is proud to demonstrate what it means to be a woman with ambition.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I am a formally trained dancer, I started dancing at the age of 3 and have not stopped since! I love all things involving art and creativity whether that be drawing, painting, makeup artistry or listening to music. I greatly enjoy spending time with my boyfriend, family and 2 pets. I love being outside and tasting and trying out new foods and recipes and spending time on self-care and meditation.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)
I am trained in many styles of dance including Ballet, Jazz, HipHop, Tap, Modern, Acro, and Contemporary. I trained at a competitive level for 13 years before pursuing my post-secondary dance training at York University where I completed a 4 year Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a specialization in Dance.
As a child I played piano for 6 years, and the clarinet for 4.
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
I have a great love for golf and competed in tournaments from age 12-16. Although I do not compete anymore, I still love the sport and enjoy playing leisurely with friends and family.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
I have had many amazing teachers and role models throughout my life to look up to, but there is definitely one person who stands out the most in my mind and that is my younger sister Zina. As an older sister, everything I did and accomplished was motivated in part by wanting to prove to my sister that she could do anything she set her mind to. We have been very close our whole lives, and times where my work ethic falters, she is the push that I need to continue to achieve the goals I have in life.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?
I am proud to say that there have been many accomplishments I was proud of throughout my life. From winning the title of Miss World Canada 2018, to fundraising over 10,000 dollars collectively for various charities. But the one personal accomplishment that I am the most proud of, is becoming a dance teacher and helping to cultivate the talents of young girls and boys. There is no better feeling than being able to connect to a student and be a mentor and role model.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
At the age of 16, I entered in a national young journalism competition that was centered around a campaign to prevent littering and educate people on the negative effects that littering has on the environment.
I won the national competition and advanced onto the international level where I placed first globally for my age category and was flown out on an all-expenses-paid trip to Lisbon, Portugal. I participated in environmental lectures, litter collection groups along the shore, and got to interact with other students from across the globe.
This was my first time away from home on my own, and it sparked my love for travel and I have not stopped exploring the world and advocating for environmental issues since!
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
I am currently in the process of developing my own competition franchise for young dancers to compete and participate in. Dancing has been such a big part of my life and who I am, and I knew that would not change even once I completed my schooling.
I am currently teaching competitive dance, and will hopefully be establishing my first competition season in 2023.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
If I could truly have any job in the world it would be teaching dance to children all over the world, making a good enough living to support my mother who is a single mother, and provide for my siblings’ post-secondary schooling.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was raised in Kleinburg, Ontario, as the oldest of 4 children. My parents were both refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina, so I grew up speaking Bosnian and started school not knowing any English, even though I was born in Toronto!
I grew up with an extremely strict authoritative father. Much of my childhood was spent alone or with my siblings because I was not allowed to enjoy things that many other kids my age were. Dance was the one place I went every week that allowed me to be with friends outside of a school environment, and truly be myself.
Right before the first Covid lockdown in Ontario, my mother finally had the strength to leave my emotionally abusive father, and since then with my financial support we have been able to provide for my younger siblings and give them the freedoms and space to be happy and safe.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
As I mentioned previously, I am a dance teacher to many fabulous students in the evenings, but during the day my job is not as glamourous. I am currently a customer service representative for a manufacturer of tools and appliances for electricians. It is not what I plan on doing forever, but I do what I can to help provide for my siblings and help my mother pay the bills.
List any volunteering you have done.
I have always been an avid volunteer from a very young age. When I was only 13 and in my final year of elementary school, I created a charity group at my school that raised money for Free the Children through various donation drives and fundraisers. Since then I have hosted my own Free the Children fundraiser with charity dance classes where all the proceeds were donated, I was a volunteer dance assistant for 3 years, was a ready buddy volunteer at my local town library, attended a Women’s day fundraiser as a guest speaker, raised over 3000 dollars for Children’s Wish foundation, and was a guest princess at the Princess and Superhero Children’s Wish fundraiser.
What is your most unusual talent?
Most of my talents are pretty conventional, although there are a couple that are not as impressive but definitely much more funny. One of my unusual talents is that I can wiggle my right ear, and another is that I can crack almost every joint in my body whether that is fingers, toes, knees, elbows, hips, you name it!
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
I have been fortunate enough to travel to so many incredible places that it would be difficult to choose only one. Growing up my family often went back to Bosnia and Herzegovina in the summers to see friends and family and spend time in my parents’ hometowns. It was such a big part of my childhood and although it has been a few years since I have gone back, it was always such a magical experience to explore such a small country that was so rich with cultural history.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
The most I can wish for is that in 10 years I will be happy. Hopefully, I will have children of my own by then, teaching dance, and running a thriving dance competition that is enough to support my family and my mother. Most of all I just hope to be living life to the fullest and continuing to pursue all the new goals and ambitions that have come up by then.
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
There are so many interesting stories and instances that have been lucky enough to experience in my life so far that there is no way I could include them all in a single document, but I can only hope that Miss Universe Canada 2022 will be my next adventure to explore, enjoy, and add to my collection of memories and accomplishments.
Thank you!

Última edición por julinha el Lun Mayo 09, 2022 6:33 pm, editado 1 vez
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 6:31 pm
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harnaaz grewal
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Harnaaz-grewal-2022
Height: 5’7
Hometown: Surrey, BC
Languages: English, Punjabi, Hindi
Occupation: ECE (Early Childhood Educator)
Harnaaz Grewal was born in Surrey B.C. and raised to be a strong, beautiful Punjabi woman through tough experiences and her endless ability to continue to thrive no matter what. She proudly aims to represent herself, and her mentality by proving her hustle ethic. She is currently an undergraduate in psychology, aiming to graduate with two masters upon obtaining her degree. On the side she’s a Self-trained Fitness Fanatic, an Early Childhood Educator Assistant, an Artist of many styles, Model and fluent in three languages.
Previously Harnaaz volunteered in her teenage years, as an advocate for preventing youth gang involvement. She is very self-aware of the society around her and does not hesitate to address issues that others may not take a stand for. When put face to face with a problem or issue in today’s society, she rises to the occasion and finesses it with ease and class. She has been a positive addition to many societal changes such as female empowerment, cancelling rape culture, to doing little things every day around her that would continue to contribute to her purpose. This fearless 19-year-old has always spoken up and protected those around her. She is made of pieces that create a new masterpiece in this chaotic world!
Upon completion of the competition, she intends to strive toward achieving her goals of becoming a major voice and figure for women all around the world. She wishes to begin a psychology facility so that she could contribute a big part of her life towards healing a part of our world that struggles with mental health. Harnaaz wants to utilize her platform to become an international social activist and model entrepreneur as that is her underlying passion among the big changes she’s aiming to make.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
Learning psychology, fitness, dance, singing, art, writing.I enjoy working out the most out of all the listed interests
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)
Fitness (self-trained), dance, boxing, art
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Softball, Badminton, Hockey
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
My best friend/sister, Eesha Rai, who acted as my consistent life coach and showed me the way to happiness in life even when I couldn’t see it for myself.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?
  • My fitness and mental health goals

  • Advocate for NO FARMERS NO FOOD Protest

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
My ability to empathize and attract people of different backgrounds without necessarily dealing with the same issues and struggles as them. People tell me my charm is very appealing/attractive/entrancing.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
My career ambition is becoming a psychologist for which I will obtain a degree and two masters. I strive to be a major public influence/entrepreneur/model/actor/social international activist of female empowerment and raising awareness on social ethics and matters upon completion of competition.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
Owning a psychology institution and making global awareness and programs/appearances to discuss matters of issues we face today as a society (including topics such as female empowerment).
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was born and raised in Surrey B.C.-with a few years in India as a toddler. I survived domestic child abuse, neglect and attacks regarding racial remarks (including those made from internalized racism that is found within the brown/Indian/South Asian/ Punjabi community due to their lack of knowledge and acceptance of a wide range of skin tones.)
Like every other girl who didn’t know any better, I also dealt with a lot of insecurities that were instilled into me as a child that I later broke free from at the age of just 18. It was an eye-opening time of my life. I always remained a warrior and true to myself.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
Door-to-door sales agent
List any volunteering you have done.
  • Sports coach for junior sports teams

  • Worked for preventing youth gang involvement via raising awareness

What is your most unusual talent?
Driving manual
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
India – my hometown was incredibly interesting.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
Being an international entrepreneur, psychologist, activist and model. I wish to obtain my establishment in several criterias. The sky’s the limit!
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
I recently discovered I have ADHD! It explained a lot of the issues I dealt with as a child. To be this successful today only feels like a bigger accomplishment and leaves me with profound self-respect and honor.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 6:35 pm
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isis a. croker
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Isis-a-crocker-2022
Height: 5’4
Hometown: Toronto, ON
Languages: English, French (intermediate), Spanish
Occupation: Student
Isis Croker is a first-generation Canadian born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. She was raised in a diverse neighborhood where she was embraced for her Peruvian and Irish Heritage. At a young age, Isis could be seen singing or dancing, always entertaining or getting to know anyone who was around. She had a passion for happiness and wanted to make a difference in the world. She started traveling to what she would call her second home Holguin Cuba at the age of three. She spent her travels in communities meeting ‘friends’ along the way. Her parents raised her with the intention of always giving even if you don’t have much because sometimes a little help goes a long way. She grew up with a love for people, always giving with her best foot forward which inspired her love for travels and differences.
In elementary school, she decided to change schools to learn French. Isis then faced bullying for being overweight. She knew from a young age that negativity should never be kept but rather used as motivation to be more positive. So she decided to combat insecurities she would embrace her love for her culture and learn how to Irish River Dance. A talent that would later come to be useful when she would visit Ireland and have the opportunity to dance at the pub and shock an Irishman, he had definitely never seen a Latina do the jig before. Isis has always had a strong passion for art. She would spend hours on end painting and drawing making a mess all day long that would always end in some type of ‘masterpiece’. As she grew her skills became more refined and she attended a specialized art program in high school. Where she would be given the opportunity to visit Italy and learn more about their art and culture. Italy will always hold a place in her heart because of how much she loved their family-based lifestyle.
Isis has always lived by the quote ‘be the change you want to see in the world’ – Gandhi. She believes that one person can make a difference. She lives her life with the intention of making everyone she crosses day better. Isis thinks the small things are the most important because they will always add up. That life’s biggest lesson is that we are meant to strive to continuously learn and grow to be better. Teaching about nutrition, self-love and belief in the possibility, we can create self peace. With self peace, there can be more room for love in our world. Isis believes the world should be filled with more love, humility and truth. That authenticity and uniqueness are priceless. She strives to be perfectly imperfect and hopes to be a role model to many that dreams really can become reality.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I love art, singing and dancing. I’m obsessed with hair, makeup and fashion. I spend my free time reading and working out. I enjoy my time most spent when learning new and exciting things while connecting to people and nature.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)
I spent three years learning Irish river dance. I attended a specialized visual art program during high school.
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
When I was younger I grew up around my brother and his friends so I played basketball most of my childhood. I also love swimming. And volleyball.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
I grew up around many adults and found comfort in conversation so to choose one is quite difficult. I believe the person who has had the most influence on my life is my Grandmother. Yolanda DeGuillen born in Pisco Peru, she was married at 28 in 1952. She had 6 children and was a nurse. She would spend her time going to houses giving vaccines. She would eventually get separated and have to raise them alone. She believed in God and believed in the good of humanity. In 1986 she came to Canada with my mother to start a better life. Not knowing much English, she got work in a factory. And worked until she could retire. With my parents working I spent most of my childhood with my grandmother. She taught me the values I live by today, truth, love, compassion and humility. She would feed the squirrels peanuts and give the postman water on hot days. She invited the women who would drive the school bus in for coffee in the mornings and made a friend of all. She lived with love and was always happy and content for whatever she had. She was a strong woman and never let anything change her kindness. My Grandmother believed in God and made an effort to pray and vowed her life to prayer. She is now 98 and has Alzheimer’s but still prays every night with the help of her loved ones. She is the reason for who I turned out to be.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
I believe my name is the most interesting thing about me. I have faced many difficulties because of my name and due to the unfortunate things that have taken place yet the origins are beautiful. My name is Isis, my father named me after the Egyptian goddess of light, magic and rebirth. The story of Isis follows how she searched the earth for the scattered body of her husband Osiris. She used her magic to bring him back from the dead because of her love and loyalty to him. I think she’s a strong beautiful woman and I love that I was named after her.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
My career ambition is to become a successful entrepreneur. I have been interested in business studies since I was young. I have many different ideas to start with but am spending more time educating myself on different ideas and learning from others’ success and failures. I have been doing personal studies reading different business materials. I know I am young and have the opportunity to take more risks so I am taking advantage and not limiting my horizons towards different ventures. I find it good to be a jack of all trades.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
My dream job would consist of going to different parts of the world and meeting different communities of people. Where I could help and give a voice to the communities of the world that are suffering. I want to help people firsthand. I want to make friends and family around the world. I believe we are all one and forget that we need to show love to others as if they were our own.
What is your most unusual talent?
My most unusual talent is the ability to never make anything awkward. I am very social and tend to talk to lots of different age ranges and types of people and the one thing that has always been mentioned is how easily I can make a conversation flow from one thought to the next. I typically get caught up talking and end up always running late.
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
The most interesting place I have been to was Dublin Ireland. I had gone to study for an English course abroad and we had spent a week in Dubin. In the one week, we saw 4 pre-teen boys climb onto the sail of a ship and jump while being yelled at by the police while running out of the Liffey river. The week proceeded with seeing live river dancing. I later met my Irish side of the family. Oh how I love the Irish, there are very cheerful people. I spent my time laughing to the point of crying. Finally, the best part of Ireland was seeing the house my dad grew up in and hearing about him when he was a kid.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
In ten years I’ll be 29 and a lot can change. I hope I will still be pushing myself to accomplish bigger goals and to climb bigger mountains. I’ll have my business running smoothly and have lots of free time. To be able to achieve my goals in making differences around the world and to call everywhere my home. Teaching people to love the earth, to love each other and to love themselves. I want to be a teacher to humanity and lead by example.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Empty
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candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 6:37 pm
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jacqueline juntilla marsh.
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Jacqueline-adele-marsh-2022
Height: 5’11
Hometown: Thunder Bay, ON
Languages: English
Occupation: Registered Nurse
Jacqueline Juntilla Marsh is a confident, determined and compassionate young woman who is an advocate for mental health. She hopes through sharing her story she can encourage others to speak up and reduce stigma around mental health and the importance of emotional well-being. Raised in Thunder Bay, Ontario along the shores of Lake Superior, Jacqueline has always called Northwestern Ontario her home. Jacqueline grew up as an only child with two supportive parents: a Canadian father and Filipina mother who allowed her to pursue all of her passions including dancing, singing, playing guitar and piano, and modeling. Jacqueline was fortunate to participate in after-school activities that allowed her as a quiet child to gain confidence and to find her own voice in the world.
Jacqueline graduated from Lakehead University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She is employed full-time at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Center as a registered nurse on a surgical floor. During the pandemic, Jacqueline’s unit at the hospital became the dedicated Covid-19 ward treating covid positive patients from across North Western Ontario. Since her teenage years, she has had a fascination with health sciences, and an interest in working with the public. Jacqueline has found great gratification in nursing in the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of healthcare. During her time off, you will find her Latin dancing at local events, walking the dog, exercising, or socializing with friends. Jacqueline is also an active volunteer in her community. Jacqueline teaches Filipino Cultural dancing for the Filipino-Canadian Association of Thunder Bay youth and has performed at the Folklore Festival since the age of six. As well, Jacqueline has volunteered with Positive Recreation Opportunities (P.R.O) for Kids for the last seven years, which provides recreation to less fortunate children in Thunder Bay, and completed her term as Chair on the board of directors. Jacqueline has also spearheaded her own youth projects in the Philippines. In 2017 she led a recycling mission in Ormoc City at Libertad Elementary School where she fundraised and purchased recycling receptacles for schools and educated the children on the importance of caring for the earth. In 2020 she fundraised for SOS Children’s Villages Cebu and held a lunch for the children and caretakers. She was also engaged in a collaboration between the Naga Department of Education and Red Tycoon Philippines in 2020 to incorporate personality development and modeling into their curriculum.
Jacqueline began competing in pageants at the age of 18, where she took home the crown on her first pageant, Miss Thunder Bay in 2012. She continued to participate in pageantry in the following years and found a unique sisterhood in which women supported each other and their dreams. She is proud to have raised awareness for different organizations and charities across Canada over the years. In 2017 she went on to earn the title of Miss Earth Canada, and represented Canada in Miss Earth in Manila, Philippines where she won a silver medal for her national costume.
Jacqueline fondly remembers watching pageants with her mom growing up and has since sought to be one of those inspirational women herself. Jacqueline has been actively working towards the Miss Universe Canada pageant and aspires to represent our beautiful country on the Miss Universe stage with pride.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I enjoy singing, playing guitar, and piano in my free time. Expressing myself through music is my outlet for dealing with stressful times in my life and allows me to relax and lose myself in a song. My love for performing has brought me to many interesting venues such as the opening for the Folklore Festival, and the Philippine Independence Ball in Thunder Bay.
Another interest of mine is baking and cooking. I have always had a sweet tooth, but I realized that there is nothing more satisfying than enjoying a dessert made by your own hands. My favorite thing to bake is cinnamon buns because my family is always begging me to make my famous recipe! Recently, I have started to learn how to cook traditional Filipino dishes from my mom. I love Filipino cuisine and hope to perfect my recipes in the coming years.
The interest that I enjoy the most is Latin dancing because I grew up dancing many different styles, however, I fell in love with the spontaneity of the follow-and lead style of partner dancing. I was introduced to Latin dance through a free class at a local church three years ago and have been doing it ever since. I enjoy the universality of salsa and bachata. Throughout my travels, I have always been able to find a Latin dance club to visit, because of this I have danced in Minneapolis, Paris, Barcelona, Ormoc, and Cebu! Just recently I started taking Kizomba classes which is a partner dance originating in Angola but is often seen in the Latin dance community as well.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.) 
    • Dance lessons: ballet, tap, jazz, cabaret, and pointe
    • Vocal training
    • Guitar lessons
    • Piano lessons
    • Latin dance classes: salsa, bachata, merengue, and kizomba

In what sports, if any, have you participated?
I participated in competitive cheerleading for 2 years when I was in middle school. Cheerleading was one of the hardest activities I ever participated in because stunting required a great deal of physical strength and trust in your teammates to perform and not injure yourself or others.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
One person who has had the most influence on my life would be my Lola (grandmother) Tasing because she was the strongest and happiest person I knew. She grew up poor and lived a very simple life, however, she spent most of her days smiling and telling jokes. She was a mother to 10 children, and always found resourceful ways to ensure her children had the opportunity to get an education. Despite the toughest situations she persevered: she was an entrepreneur, mentor, and devout Catholic. My Lola taught me that even in the hardest of times, to have trust in God’s plan and keep smiling. Although my Lola passed away in 2017, I always feel her presence and know that she will be watching me walk across the Miss Universe Canada stage with pride.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)? 
My proudest personal accomplishment was the recycling project I led at Libertad Elementary School in Ormoc City, Philippines in 2017. I was able to fundraise and purchase recycling containers for the children to use while at school to separate recyclables, non-recyclables, and food waste. During my visit I was able to speak to the students about the importance of recycling and taking care of the earth. This was one of my proudest moments because the children were quickly able to understand the importance of recycling and taking care of the planet; it is my hope that through this project these children will continue to be conscious of their environmental impact.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you? 
The most interesting thing about me is that I am a proud Filipino- Canadian. Growing up I was very lucky to be able to learn about my heritage from my mom who was born and raised in the Philippines, and my dad who was born and raised in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Visiting impoverished areas of the Philippines throughout my childhood, I realized the importance of empowering young people to reach their full potential. These trips inspired me to visit schools and orphanages while in the Philippines to speak to children about how they can achieve their dreams through hard work and perseverance.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal? 
My career ambition is to complete my master’s in nursing, to become a Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner. I would like to pursue this career in order to have my own practice and give back to my home community of Thunder Bay. It saddens me to see people in my community who struggle with their health and chronic conditions due to a lack of family doctors and nurse practitioners. It would be very fulfilling to help alleviate the stress people face when they do not have a primary care provider. I plan to accomplish this goal by pursuing further education at Lakehead University in the next two to three years.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
My dream job in life would be to build schools in remote areas of the Philippines where children must walk long distances to access school and receive an education. It is also my dream to provide school and supplies to impoverished children cost-free. It is my dream to be able to eliminate the barriers preventing these children from going to school. I would also like to create after-school programs in these communities for the arts, music, sports, and personality development because after-school activities helped me become the person I am today. It would be my dream to be able to build and develop these programs full-time.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was born and raised in Thunder Bay, a city of one hundred ten thousand people along the shores of Lake Superior. I grew up with a great appreciation of the outdoors being a short distance away from fresh-water lakes, bubbling streams, and mountains to hike and ski. I grew up as an only child who enjoyed her time in class but lived for her dance and piano classes after school. In high school, I found my love for music and began taking vocal lessons and participating in my school’s musicals. In addition, I was able to embrace my Filipino heritage by learning and performing traditional cultural dancing, eventually becoming a cultural dance teacher myself. I was very lucky to have travelled frequently throughout my childhood years to the United States for dance competitions and to the Philippines to visit the other half of my extended family.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had. 
The most interesting job I had was working in the menswear department at Sears when I was in high school. It was interesting because at the age of 16 I learned how to measure and fit men in dress shirts, suits, and how to tie a tie!
What is your most unusual talent?
My most unusual talent is that I can dance the “Tinikling.” It is a traditional Filipino dance that requires the dancers to turn, skip, and jump with a partner between two bamboo sticks that open and close to the beat of the music. As a child, it was very tricky to learn and resulted in my feet being squished many times, but now I have an even greater appreciation for Filipino cultural dancers.
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
The most interesting place I have been to was Oslob, Cebu, Philippines in 2016 where I was able to swim with whale sharks. I was terrified to be swimming in such close proximity to such large creatures, but it ended up being an incredible experience that helped me appreciate the ocean.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
In ten years, I aspire to be practicing in the healthcare field in my own clinic, continuing to volunteer and advocate for youth empowerment, and be married and raising children. However, I have learned that life can be unpredictable, and I hope that regardless of where I end up in ten years that I am happy and fulfilled in whatever I do.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Empty
MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may.
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 7:29 pm
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jilldeen ezeudu.
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Jilldeen-ezeudu-2022
Height: 6’1
Hometown: Brampton, ON
Languages: English
Occupation: Human Resource Data Management Analysis
Born from a Trinidadian mother and Nigerian father, Jilldeen Ezeudu is a Canadian-born Afro-Caribbean originating from Brampton, Ontario. Always harvesting a nurturing spirit, Jilldeen was gifted with the C.I.V.I.C. Responsibility Award at the age of 13 by the Mayor of Brampton for being a great community leader, treating her classmates and supervisors with respect, assisting with important tasks within the community and being a caring and productive member of society. By the time she turned 16, she was nominated by a teacher at her high school to be a student representative for a non-profit organization called Harmony Movement; where she monitored and held workshops for students from grades 9 to 12, conducted training exercises and vocalized speeches on diversity, inclusion, culture, and discrimination.
Graduating from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelors in BCom, Specification Human Resources Management, Jilldeen was able to balance full-time studies while working two retail jobs and a paid student coop with the Federal Government. In her spare time, she volunteered at local soup kitchens and architecture summits, travelled, and visited local restaurants for great cuisine.
Since moving back to Toronto, Jilldeen recently resigned from an engineering firm as an HR Data Management Analysis to pursue a career in modeling. She won the Face of African Fashion Week in 2019; modeled on CTV News and CP24; walked in Toronto Fashion week; graced the covers of two magazines; and is published internationally as a freelance model. She is now pursuing two new business ventures in food and retail and started a podcast to bring awareness to social issues that plague the BIPOC community.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I love learning unique facts regarding any subject, but specifically mental health and the taboos attached to it. As much as I’m in front of the camera, I prefer creative directing artistic productions from behind the scenes!
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)
I was taught the Tenor Saxophone and played for 5 years consecutively in a band.
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
I used to play intramural basketball for four years; track & field; badminton; and volleyball
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
My brother is such a unique, yet simple soul. He’s taught me patience and forgiveness. His love for life is truly inspiring, his resilience is humbling, and his faith is strongly steadfast. Even though he’s a year younger, his wisdom surpasses his age.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?
2019 was a year full of accomplishments for me. I leased my first vehicle and I impulsively planned a solo trip to Europe. But the most important accomplishment was winning my first modelling competition and being crowned ‘The Face of African Fashion Week 2019.’
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
In 2019, I celebrated my birthday in three different countries, two different time zones, in one day! Paris – Amsterdam – Toronto!
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
My goal in life is to be self-employed. I truly want to employ others with opportunities and create a fun and positive workspace. I’m currently in the process of starting my own catering service with vegan and lactose-free delicacies. Prior, I always entered my place of employment with a smile. It’s important to set a cheerful tone to start your day and others.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
My “dream job” would consist of me being able to use the resources I’ve successfully cultivated for myself and give back to alternative initiatives and charities regarding agriculture in third-world nations; mental health R&D; holistic healing and medicine; and immigration funding.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I grew up in Brampton, Ontario with my parents and brother. It was a home filled with love, laughter, food and family. We grew up understanding the importance of hard work and dedication coming from immigrant parents. My dad is definitely the chef in the house and my mom can make the house glistening clean! I’m truly blessed to be a part of this family.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
I worked at Harvey’s for a month in my second year of high school. I quit!
List any volunteering you have done.
I volunteered at the Knights Table, various soup kitchens within the GTA & Ottawa, and at an Architecture Summit.
What is your most unusual talent?
I think I’m an overall unusual individual and that by itself is pretty talented.
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
The most interesting place I have been to was a Cafe in Amsterdam. I have no idea how I got there, but that was the first time in a while time stayed still and I was able to cherish every moment.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
In the next ten years, I hope to be making people happy and impacting their life in a positive way!
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
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candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 7:38 pm
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jillian lynch
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Jillian-lynch-2022
Height: 5’10
Hometown: Toronto, ON
Languages: English, French
Occupation: Business Development

Jillian Lynch does not hesitate to chase every dream she sets before herself.
Jillian’s appreciation for the gift of life was strengthened by her brother’s journey with Cystic Fibrosis, three double lung transplants, and eventual passing. lost her little brother, Myles Lynch, on New Year’s Eve, 2021. In the months before he passed away, Myles told Jillian to chase after every dream she had without any hesitation.
Jillian supported her brother through three double lung transplants while also completing her degree in Kinesiology and Health Sciences. During the first transplant, they learned to maximize every day of their lives and to say “yes” to every opportunity that resonated with their values. Jillian quickly found herself saying “yes” to joining 18 intramural sports teams in 1 year, the varsity lacrosse team, the Student Government, and every club, council, and media opportunity she had time for. Jillian also created the “Bonus Days Project” to bring gift packages to patients and caregivers she had met in the hospital.
During the second transplant, the siblings learned about the power of having a voice. Myles’ vocal chords had been torn and he needed to learn how to speak again. Jillian became a frequently sought-after public speaker for the non-profits that had supported her family. Jillian delivered speeches for the SickKids Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Canada, Federated Health Charities of Canada, and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Jillian is also an advocate for a rare disease strategy in Canada and advocates for the housing needs of patients. Her current career is focused on improving the development strategy at Ronald McDonald House Charities Toronto. Jillian has appeared in podcasts and on the news as a speaker for transplants, caregiving, and improving patient experiences.
The third transplant taught Jillian and Myles to chase after their dreams without any hesitation. Jillian cycled across parts of Canada to raise funds for SickKids Hospital. Each day of her cycling journey she met with Canadians across the country to learn their personal stories and their dreams. Jillian is a relentless force for positive change- when she has a goal in mind she achieves it. She is fueled by the life stories of the thousands of patients and caregivers she has met and an urgency to make a difference. Jillian earned the title of Top 30 Change Makers Under 30 for her multitude of contributions to the patient and caregiver community.
The build-up to this moment of becoming a finalist for Miss Universe Canada, has been decades in the making. Jillian believes each of her life experiences have prepared her to proudly represent Miss Universe Canada. With her reign she promises to continue advocating for patients, caregivers across Canada, all while sharing a message to maximize life.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I genuinely enjoy the process of meeting new people. I make a conscious effort to meet at least one new person every day, learn their life story, and ask them about their hopes and dreams. Cycling across Canada was one of the most incredible experiences of my entire life. Every day I had heart-felt conversations with people from across Canada. I know that when I am up on stage, sharing ideas and representing Canada, I am also carrying the life stories of each person I have had a conversation with.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.) 
    •  Voice lessons (Disney Princess performer for children’s events and talent shows)
    • Acting (acted in 2 movies! Jillian Lynch IMDB)
    • Ballet, Hip Hop, Highland, Irish, Ballroom, Salsa
    • Portrait painting and portrait sketching
    • Karate & Kickboxing

    In what sports, if any, have you participated?

    • Challenged myself to play 18 sports in one year! Became the York University Female Athlete of the Year!
    • Varsity Lacrosse Team, York University
    • Competitive Traveling Basketball Player
    •  Marathon Runner, Cyclist, mountain climber, and lover of extreme endurance sports!

    Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

I have devoted my life to my brother, Myles Lynch. Myles was born with Cystic Fibrosis and survived three double lung transplants. has impacted every part of my life and directly inspired my passion to improve the experiences of patients and caregivers. In 2014, my
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)? 
I am extremely proud of the woman I am today- I’ve cycled across most of Canada. I am recognized as a Top 30 ChangeMaker Under 30.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you? 
This past summer, I decided to independently cycle across Canada to raise funds for SickKids Hospital- this experience forced me to expand my personal understanding of resilience. On the third day of my journey, I was caught in a rainstorm and nearly struck by lighting- I called my dad and asked him if I should keep going. But even as I made the call to ask, I knew that the experience of cycling across Canada was exactly what would bring out a better version of myself. Up until that journey, I had devoted my entire life to caregiving. This experience is where I learned to create an identity for myself- Jillian’s Journey. I pushed myself to cycle an average of 180km per day, I even attained a personal record of cycling 234km in one day. Every day was a local geography and history lesson. I met people from all across Canada, learned their life stories and personal dreams, and shared my reason for cycling.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal? 
I dream of becoming the CEO of a non-profit that supports patients and caregivers. I have worked at the SickKids Foundation, Heart and Stroke Foundation, The Neighbourhood Group, and the Ronald McDonald House. To date, I have verifiable achievements in raising $1.6 Million in funds for the non-profits that have had a direct positive impact on my family’s life. I am confident that one day, I will achieve my dreams.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
CEO of a non-profit that supports patients and caregivers.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was raised in the heart of St. Andrews West. A small farming community where eighty-one of my closest family members grow much of our own food and care for our neighbors. Growing up, I thought of everyone as my brothers and sisters. Community is my most important value.
My brother was born with Cystic Fibrosis and he experienced frequent hospital admissions… quite frequently our neighbors would care for my throughout my infancy- I was truly raised by our village. When I was 5 years old, my mom explained that my little brother might pass away from Cystic Fibrosis. My brother and I began preparing for the end of his life by pretending it was his last day- it may seem sad to imagine children preparing for their “last day”, but the perspective we gained as children greatly impacted how we maximized each day of our lives. I am proud to have lived my life with a sense of urgency to truly “live”.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had. 
    • I am grateful for every job I have ever had. I began developing my work ethic when I was 11 years old at a local farm. My heart was set on earning enough funds to support my family and cover the costs of my greatest anticipated expense-University. Since then, I have successfully held 32 paying jobs- many 4-8 month contracts! My favorite work will forever be in the non-profit world, where I had the opportunity to support causes that had directly impacted my family.
    • SickKids Foundation: supported 24 community events.
    • Cystic Fibrosis Canada: public speaker at 62 events. Heavily involved in patient relations and advocacy.
    • Heart and Stroke: Delivered health presentations at 178 companies across Toronto while raising $1,640,000 for Heart and Stroke.
    • The Neighbourhood Group: cared for over 2,000 of Toronto’s Covid-19 positive homeless and precariously housed families.
    • Simon Fraser University: trained 24 young researchers to examine the impacts of covid-19 on the lives of 10,000+ youth in 27 cities across Canada.
    • Ronald McDonald House Charities Toronto: leading our special events, community events, monthly donors, gift-in-kind and tribute program.

    What is your most unusual talent?

My “unusual” talent is giving strangers a space to share their “grief” story. I started sharing my brother’s story with cystic fibrosis, three double lung transplants, and his peaceful passing on social media- some of our videos reached 3.5 million views and gathered 2,000+ comments. I realized that we need spaces in social media where we can talk about our grief, our experiences, and our health.
Where is the most interesting place you have been to? 
Having cycled across Canada, I’ve seen just how BEAUTIFUL Canada is. My favorite place in Canada is the Bay of Fundy, where the shoreline has been sculpted by the highest tides in the world (tides in this coastal zone reach 16 metres- the same height as a 5 storey building)!
What do you hope to be doing in ten years? 
I plan on publishing a book titled Bonus Days, to be a singer and songwriter, and to create events to encourage the celebration of life. I hope to continue my mission of improving the lives of patients, caregivers, and grievers as the CEO of a non-profit.
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity- this moment means everything to me. With the opportunity to be Miss Universe Canada, I would share a message of love and hope with Canadians. I know my brother will be with me, making sure I share his message to maximize life, every step of the way.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 629590
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Empty
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candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 7:47 pm
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kaila enriquez
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Kaila-enriquez-2022
Height: 5’5
Hometown: Scarborough, ON
Languages: English, Tagalog
Occupation: Flight Attendant

Kaila Enriquez was born and raised in the Philippines for 16 years. She was raised by her grandmother since she was 9 years old because her mother needs to work abroad and her father stays in Manila for work. At the age of 17, she moved to Canada with her family and become a Canadian citizen year 2020. She is currently working as a full-time Flight Attendant at Porter Airlines. She’s also a part-time model and Uber eats driver. She is also a volunteer at a Christian (born again) church since she was 10 years old. She started by welcoming people, assisting with their seats, helping with the dishes, and arranging seats. When she came here to Canada she started volunteering with children’s ministry as a teacher assistant, a backup singer, a dancer, and a volunteer with senior citizen ministry in JIL (Jesus is Lord) Church Scarborough.
Out of all the ministries she volunteered with the one that was really close to her heart is the senior ministry. That ministry is called ICFI (I Charity Foundation International). She is part of helping the seniors to cope with loneliness and anxiety by organizing events like Saturday morning Zumba, Christmas parties, and more. She recently made a beauty pageant for them last summer 2021. This is free of charge pageant and the purpose is to raise awareness about their physical and mental health. This month of April 2022 she created a beauty pageant again but this time it’s to raise funds for SOS Children’s Villages. The inspiration of her advocacy was her late grandmother. She was the one who raised her up and the person who is the reason why she wants to be the next Miss Universe. She wants to share the legacy of her grandmother with the rest of the universe. She believes that all the wisdom, kindness, and love she received from her grandmother, Elizabeth, are the best things she could share with the young people. She believes that if every child received the same love she received from her grandmother, their dreams will be reality and they will never doubt themselves.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I enjoy my volunteering with ICFI (I Charity Foundation International). In this organization, we do different events but my favorite is the beauty pageant. The beauty pageant I made for them is for them to simply have fun. last summer 2021 is the 1st pageant and this spring 2022 purpose is to raise funds for SOS Children’s Villages. In my free time, I also enjoy playing ukulele and guitar, also sewing clothes. I love sewing old or thrift clothes and turning them into something new.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)
I have been dancing and singing since my grade school back in the Philippines. I joined the competition as a group and individual. I was also part of a drama class when I was in High school back in the Philippines. I have always been in love with music and entertainment since I was a kid. I am very grateful that I had a chance to do it all with my ministry as a church volunteer of JIL (Jesus is Lord Church).
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
In winter times I love to go skating with my brother or my friends. In summer, I bike almost everyday if I can and I also started to learn now how to roller skates. I also love basketball, I am also a fan of Raptors! I am not professional in any of these sports but, I love being active and learning a new sport.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
My grandmother, her name is Elizabeth. She is the reason why I wanted to join this pageant and represent Canada in Miss Universe 2022. I want her legacy to continue and be shared to the rest of the world. All the knowledge, wisdom and values she taught me is the best representation of a woman. I believe that all her beautiful characteristics represents all women in general. That we women are hard workers, loving, caring, and fighters.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?
When I created my own YouTube channel about two years ago, I was having a hard time getting subscribers. Now, I have 1.4k subscribers and I am very happy that I get to inspire many people. I received lots of messages asking me how It’s like to live in Canada, how to become a flight attendant, and so on. In my channel, I get to share to everyone my life here in Canada, my life as a flight attendant, and my talent in singing and dancing. I love entertaining people and being in front of the camera. I am so proud that I get a chance to do it all in my own YouTube channel.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
I started playing Airsoft about two years ago. Although I don’t plan or dream to become a soldier in the future, I love that the game is very inclusive to all genders. I’ve met so many women that are good in this game both young and adult. I also, enjoyed that I get a chance to practice my sportsmanship and teamwork while having fun.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
My goals in life in terms of career are to have my own car customized and detailing business and to become a pageant coach. I started the car customized and detailing about 3 years ago and I am loving it, although I and my boyfriend don’t have our own place as of now, I know that we will make it big and known business that everyone would like and support as long as we don’t stop and we continue working hard. I also dreamed to be a pageant coach someday because I know how important to share your experiences and knowledge in pageantry for the future generation of beauty queens.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
My dream job is to be the next Miss Universe Canada. I have always dreamed of representing Canada at Miss Universe. I know that I can represent Canada well to the whole universe as a Canadian who practices equality and respect for everyone. I know this dream of mine is not impossible with hard work, perseverance and faith. My advocacy which is an initiative for senior citizens, and my late grandmother are my strength in pursuing this dream of mine.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was born and raised in the Philippines for 16 years with the help of my grandmother. I grew up without parents that is present in all my special occasions in life. I understand that they have to work abroad so me and my brother could have a better life. Although my family was once separated, the love I received from my aunties, uncles, cousins, and with my grandmother was so much that I don’t even feel alone. My childhood was beautiful, I was raised in a place that is half province and city, so I get a chance to experience what’s it’s like to be a provincial and city citizen. I remember when I was a kid I used to play outside after school and Saturdays with my cousins and neighbors, we play, hike, climb trees and swim inside rivers till we get tired. On Sunday morning, I attended church service, and after the service, me and my cousins will visit the other side of the road to buy street food and enjoy the amazing things that we could see on the street-side market. As a child, we always wonder what it’s like to be an adult earning money and buying whatever we want. How it’s like to have our own place and drive our own car. Every time I remember those days it makes me smile. We’re so innocent and simple but that what makes my childhood more memorable.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
I am very proud to say that I am an Uber Eats driver. I deliver food on my day offs and I am doing this as a part-time job. I love it because I love traveling and I love food. I discovered so many restaurants and fast food here in Scarborough alone. It’s amazing how businesses are coming back little by little after the long lockdown and pandemic. I am so happy to be able to help our small businesses and even known businesses owners. By simply delivering their product, I know it contributes to our country’s economic prosperity.
List any volunteering you have done.
Since I was a kid, I have been volunteering in the Christian (born again) church. I started by welcoming people, assisting with their seats, helping with the dishes and arranging seats. When I came here to Canada I started volunteering with children’s ministry as a teacher assistant, I am also a backup singer, a dancer, and a volunteer with senior citizen ministry in JIL (Jesus is Lord) Church Scarborough.
What is your most unusual talent?
I can belly dance. I didn’t go to school to learn, my loving grandmother is the one who taught me. She was the best dancer in the city back in her days. None of her children inherit her unique talent. I am the only granddaughter or the only one in the family who became interested in belly dancing or the only one that can dance the way she does. That’s why this unusual talent of mine because it is very special and I am so proud of it.
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
Toronto zoo. Actually, any zoo park would be an amazing and the most interesting place for me. I remember when I first went to the zoo, I was in 3rd grade, whenever a tour guide ask for a volunteer, I always raise my hand with excitement. I was lucky enough to be chosen all the time. I get a chance to hold a beautiful adult albino ball python snake, a baby crocodile, and more. Going to zoo parks makes you more human since you will realize how important it is to take care of mother earth because we are not the only ones who live here.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
I hope in ten years my customizing and detailing car business has its own place. I will also make sure I have time with my YouTube blogs to inspire more people to continue their dreams in life. Out of all these personal success, I really want to continue pageantry and to become a pageant coach. I wanted to help the next generation of aspiring beauty queens here in Canada and to the rest of the world. Lastly, I want my advocacy to continue, I want to have a yearly beauty pageant for senior citizens and I want to reach out to other cities or provinces here in Canada to share happiness with more seniors.
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
The three words that would best describe me would be brave, confident and unstoppable. I am brave because I was raised by a strong woman which is my grandmother, Elizabeth, her values and things that I have learned from her, is the legacy that I will hold on to forever. I am confident with my skin, body, talents and all my uniqueness because that’s what my mother, Rose, put in my heart since I was kid. She taught me that being true to yourself is the only key of true happiness and success in life. Lastly, I am unstoppable because no matter how many times I fail in life, I will always get up on my feet and face life with bravery. I believe in recovering you will only improve and be at your best in every fight of life.

Última edición por julinha el Lun Mayo 09, 2022 8:01 pm, editado 1 vez
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 629590
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Empty
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candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 7:59 pm
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khushi dave
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Khushi-dave-2022
Height: 5’4
Hometown: Brampton, ON
Languages: English, French, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi, Urdu
Occupation: Student at Lincoln Alexander School of Law (Juris Doctor)
Khushi Dave is a versatile woman who is currently a second-year law student at the newest law school in Canada! In 2016, she began studying Law and Society (Honours BA) at York University. Her degree allowed her to explore legal perspectives and the diverse ways in which law is integrated in our society. In the same year, she was crowned the winner of Miss Brampton 2016-17. This platform allowed the titleholder to recognize and stand up for the values that they believed would help improve their city. For Khushi Dave, this was a chance for her to voice her vision of seeking equality and justice for all and to inspire the youth towards becoming socially conscious of the continuous oppression of marginalized women. During this journey, Khushi was also awarded the Woman Hero Award by the Consul General of India for her initiatives on an international level. Ultimately, both these experiences crystallized her vision of using law as a tool for social justice and zealously working to aid others in their issues of injustice.
Currently, Khushi Dave does professional fashion modelling including modeling for a European leather jacket company, a Sabysachi photoshoot, and TV hosting with celebrities including Anu Malik, the Judge of Indian Idol and the music composer of over 400 Bollywood films.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
My interests are in modelling, and public speaking (T.V Interviews). I modeled for a European leather jacket company, “Les Pelles” and also have a jacket line named after me as: “Khushi Jackets”. In addition, I have been an active member in the Toronto Canadian Fashion industry and am experienced in runway modelling and bridal fashion. Moreover, I have modelled in a Sabysachi (celebrity fashion designer) inspired bridal shoot titled Jewels of Jodhpur as the lead model and am the cover face of Must be Kismet 2019 magazine. I have also done several T.V Interviews with celebrities including Anu Malik (the Judge of Indian Idol) and the music composer of over 400 Bollywood films. Additionally, I have started a YouTube Channel called “JD with KD” where I blog my journey as a law student in Toronto to inspire and help other students achieve their dreams of practicing law.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.) 
I have received special acting training from a successful Bollywood actor named Shreyas Talpade and Adi Irani. These actors have also done leading films with legendary actors such as Shah Rukh Khan. I have also received dance and pageant training since the age of eight. I specifically perform hip/hop, jazz, and Bollywood dance forms.
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
I have received training in Badminton and Archery and have been practicing both sports since the age of 15. Moreover, I enjoy playing ball hockey and brought home a silver medal for my school!
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
One individual who has had a significant influence in my life is my grade 8 teacher. The reason he had a huge positive influence on me was because at a young age, he taught me to be resilient. He pushed me to reach my highest potential and because of his support I was able to win the top student award: this award is given to only 3 students out of 800 who perform exceptionally well in the areas of academics, arts, and sports.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)? 
The proudest personal accomplishment for me is when I was crowned the winner of Miss Brampton 2016- 2017. I experienced the exciting honor of participating in the Miss Brampton pageant. I had entered this competition to express my vision of achieving social justice within the City of Brampton, especially in the area of equity for marginalized women. Two dreams were fulfilled for me in that event, as I was crowned Miss Brampton, as well as given a platform to pursue my goals of ameliorating the community’s work for inclusion and justice for the citizens of Brampton. Throughout my journey I had the chance to work with member of the community, the City of Brampton Mayor, and Members of Parliament on issues such as mental health for children and racial equality.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you? 
The most interesting thing about me is that I speak seven languages and aspire to provide legal service in all seven languages. While I am still learning new words in each language, I believe that this is a huge asset that will not only help me make a greater impact on the community but also make me a successful title holder of Miss Universe Canada: an individual who supports and promotes diversity within the country.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal? 
My career ambitions are to be a successful lawyer. Currently, I am a second-year law student and by the end of 2023, I will hopefully be a practicing Canadian lawyer. As of now, I will be working at Ontario’s leading Labour and Employment Law firm, focusing on issues such as wrongful dismissal, human rights issues at work, and occupational health and safety.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
My dream job in life is to be lawyer and an influencer. The reason I state two things is because there is no limit on what women can do in life and I hope that becoming Miss Universe Canada will bring me closer to my dream in life— my dream of not only achieving the highest potential but also to be making a positive impact on Canadians through the knowledge and experiences I have.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was raised in Brampton, ON. I grew up with my parents and a younger brother. I have been blessed with an amazing family who has supported my passion for pageants since a young age. My father use to help me with my portfolios and my mom would be my makeup artist and person trainer. My brother always made me laugh during my photoshoots, so the pictures turned about perfect! In short, I grew up in a happy family and I cannot wait to make them proud.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had. 
An interesting job that I had was being a cashier at a pie shop. When I first came into the pie shop, I thought I would see pumpkin pies, apple pies, or blueberry pies; however, I was so surprised to see that they made very unique pies such as chicken pies, lamb pies, veggie pies, butter chicken pies etc. The best part… I got to take the leftovers home!
List any volunteering you have done
  • I have volunteered at the Tall Pines Old Age Home Centre in Brampton

  • Local Garbage pick-up days

  • Law Offices (Toor Law Office)

  • University clubs (Amnesty international)

What is your most unusual talent?
My most unusual talent is that I am able to memorize the lyrics of songs even when I cannot understand the language. I can also touch my tongue to my nose!
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
The most interesting place I have been to is Vatican City. There was immense positivity there and I felt a really deep connection to the city while I was there. Moreover, an interesting fact about Vatican City is that it is one of the smallest countries in the world with a landmass of only 0.49 kilometers.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
In ten years, I hope to be a successful lawyer and of course the titleholder of Miss Universe. We live in a world where one tweet or one statement by a celebrity can make a huge impact on the population so imagine if this public figure used their voice for a purpose! With both these passions, I wish to promote equity and inclusion of marginalized women: this includes transgenders and women of color.
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
The pageant this year is quite special. Covid- 19 has taught all of us Canadians to come together during a time of need; I wish to use this as my strength and prove to Canadians that in unity is success for our country. We can work on the issues together and create a stronger Canada!
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 629590
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Empty
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candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. GejDcrdLun Mayo 09, 2022 8:08 pm
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korrena thompson
candidatas a miss universe canada 2022. final: 14 may. Korrena-thompson-2022-2
Height: 5’8
Hometown: Bowmanville, ON
Languages: English
Occupation: Student at University of Toronto (Biochemistry & Environmental Science)
Korrena Thompson was born in Scarborough, Ontario, to a single mom. She is currently a student at the University of Toronto studying biochemistry and environmental science. She worked as a runway model for Elina Ten and has worked on set with notable acts such as Alessia Cara, and Ali Gatie.
As a child she always loved music and she started playing the alto saxophone at the age of 10, now she can play the alto, tenor and baritone saxophone.  She also enjoys volunteering and giving back to the community, from coordinating electronics drives to volunteering with notable charities like 5n2 Kitchens and The Canadian liver foundation.  She has embarked on the entrepreneurship venture and started her own company, Vie Authentique that sells natural body products.  Along with that she is an optometrist assistant at Pink Sidhu and associates, where she gets to live out one of her favorite quotes from Gandhi “The best way to lose yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.”  She plans to make this quote more applicable to her life with her plans of becoming a doctor; and when life gets too stressful, she hits the gym.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I enjoy activities that provide physical and mental stimulation, this includes reading, biochemistry research, exercise, volunteering, gardening, and modeling.  However, my passion is lab work, skincare, and makeup.  I enjoy these activities because they allow me to explore different facets of my personality, they help me to advance in my field of study and they help me feel more confident in my independence.  I enjoy doing makeup and providing skincare advise to friends and family and this allows me to help my loved ones feel confident in their own skin. I would describe myself as a worker bee; I love to be busy and working on something.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.) 
As a child, I had a flare for dramatics, I enjoyed being the center of attention and loved being on stage.  This talent was nurtured at a young age as I was afforded the opportunity to performed in various showcases at the church I attended.
I went on to receive musical training in Piano and Saxophone. In school I participated in various musicals and choirs, this experience helped to bolster my comfort level on stage. This continued into my teenage years, when I started modelling and doing background work for various music videos and films.
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
I have always had a passion for fitness and sports, and I have participated in a variety of sports including softball, gymnastics, track and field, basketball, and cross country. This love for sports has followed me into adulthood and allowed me to build my self-confidence, foster a healthy relationship with my body and influence my lifestyle choices today. As an adult I spend more time in the gym and less time on team sports.  However, participating in sports have taught me the importance of teamwork.  I am a very independent person, but it is important to also know how to work well with others.  Being involved in sports also provided me with a healthy outlet for stress, it helps me to calm down and think more clearly.  Working out and being active is important for my physical and mental wellbeing.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
Someone who has had a tremendous influence on me is Pink Sidhu. Pink Sidhu is a very accomplished entrepreneur in the health care field, she is the owner of two successful optometrist offices in the GTA and she has been awarded the Top Choice award for 2020.  She has demonstrated tenacity and perseverance in the world of business. She has offered me guidance and been a reliable, dependable mentor to me.  She has provided me guidance and support in starting my own business. Whenever I meet with her, she reinvigorates my passion for science and new and revolutionary techniques and technology in the health care field.  She has provided numerous opportunities for me to expand my knowledge base.
As well as being an all-around role model to girls and woman everywhere, she has excelled in STEM, entrepreneurship, and is a fountain of positivity and encouragement. She is an example of a successful and accomplished person I hope to be one day.  She shows me that it is possible to have it all, a family, a successful business all while enjoying life and enjoying just being yourself.  She is a true inspiration.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)? 
The proudest accomplishment of my life thus far is starting my own business, I sell natural body products.  The name of my company is Vie Authentique.  I have always admired entrepreneurs and I have always wanted to have my own business. One of my earliest entrepreneurial memories is from grade 2. I had created my own lotion from a mixture of other lotions and gave out complementarity hand massages with each purchase, which was a quarter.
Even though things are different from what I imagined as a little girl, I still apply the same passion and drive to Vie Authentique today.  Although my business is new and is in the very early stages, I am proud of myself for taking such a big financial risk and following my dreams.  Skincare is one of my greatest passions and I am excited to have begun this journey.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you? 
The most interesting thing about me is that I started learning the periodic table at the age of four, and this sparked my love for science and introduced me to the world of chemistry. This love of the sciences has propelled me to major in biochemistry at the University of Toronto.  The most unique thing that happened to me occurred when I was around nine years old, I participated in a Canada-wide modeling competition and made it into the top 25, this was the beginning of my modelling career.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
My career aspiration is to become a physician with a focus on fetal medicine.  I hope to expand my research and findings on maternal malpractice in an effort to positively impact the birthing process for years to come.
In order to achieve this, I will have to complete my undergraduate degree and score well on the MCAT.  I hope to be accepted into medical school and pass the board exam.  After successfully completing the board exam I plan to complete my residency at one of Canada’s exemplary hospitals.  My residency will focus on obstetrics and gynecology, specializing in fetal medicine. Ideally, I would like to become the department head of Obstetrics and Gynecology, here I hope to better the birthing experience for mothers and babies.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
Besides being Miss universe Canada, my dream job is to be a physician in a reputable institution such as Sick Kids Hospital here in Toronto. I have been personally impacted by the amazing work being done at Sick kids.  Sick Kids was a tremendous support to my family during a difficult time and I greatly admire the compassion and care they provide to the patients at this hospital.  Being part of an institution that will help children free of cost no matter the ailment has been a dream of mine and it is one of the reasons I aspire to be a physician at this hospital.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was born at a birthing hospital called Doctor’s Hospital in Toronto.  I started my formative years in Markham and then later moved to Scarborough.  I was raised by a single mom of two.  We moved a lot due to limited finances, and consequently, I attended a variety of public schools in both Markham and Scarborough.  My time in the Toronto Public School system was greatly affected by frequent teachers strikes.  This puts children of lower-income families at a disadvantage as children from higher-income homes can attend private schools with little to no disruption in their education. Despite the challenges of growing up in a single-parent home my childhood was rather uneventful. Growing up in Scarborough has allowed me to appreciate some of the natural beauty in the surrounding environment like the Scarborough bluffs. I attended Father Michael McGivney High School in Markham and St. Stephens Secondary School in Bowmanville, where I received my diploma. Growing up mostly in the city, it was a jarring transition to move to Bowmanville, but there I was able to truly appreciate the tranquility and peace that small-town living can offer. After moving to Bowmanville, I developed great strength of character, being one of only a few students of color presented its own challenges.  I persevered, stayed focus and completed my schooling.
In school I excelled in math, science, music and drama.  Once I decided I wanted to be a doctor, I set my sights on attending the University of Toronto.  I was accepted to the University of Toronto where I am currently working towards my undergraduate degree in biochemistry and environmental Science.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
My most unusual job was working in a Food Truck. It was an exciting experience because I did not know what to expect from one day to the next.  While working on the food truck I was able to attend a variety of outdoor festivals at various venues throughout the GTA.  I worked events such as music festivals where I was able to watch artist like Kendrick Lamar, and Sam Smith perform. As well as local events such as the taste of Lawrence, various other street fairs and a variety of food truck festivals as well. This allowed me to familiarize myself more with the City of Toronto as well as the diversity of cuisine it provides. It was a great way to meet people of all cultures with a variety of interest.  It was a great way to really experience and appreciate the essence of Toronto.
List any volunteering you have done.
5N2 Kitchens- Scarborough soup kitchen that provides a variety of services to the community like food delivery, since 2016-2021
Canadian liver foundation- provide information and health services to the community. 2019-2021
What is your most unusual talent?
My most unusual talent is that I can play three of four saxophone varieties, the alto, tenor, and the baritone saxophone.  I began to develop this talent at the early age of 10.  I had the opportunity to play in multiple bands, and this allowed me to apply various concepts of music theory in many ways.  For example, in some bands there would be a key instrument missing, as such I always volunteered to fill in and play the parts of the missing instrument.  I would then rewrite that piece of music by hand in the key of the alto saxophone in order to fill in the gaps and make the piece sound more whole.
Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
I did not have a passport until I was 24 years old, so I have been able to explore the beauty within Ontario, some of my favorite places include Albion falls, the Royal Ontario Museum, the Distillery District, and the Royal Botanical Gardens.   In 2020 my friends and I organized a trip to a popular music festival, this was supposed to be my first out of country trip, but due to the pandemic that was indefinitely postponed.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
In ten years, I hope to be a successful entrepreneur, creating a safe and empowering work environment for my employees.  In addition, I hope to be a successful doctor that is positively contributing to improvements for women’s medicine.  I hope to be applying my research findings in a real-world situation, making sure women feel heard, comfortable and confident with the medical treatment that they receive. Finally, I hope that I will be able to inspire young women to feel empowered, to make change, and to be strong women like the many examples of successful women I have met in my life.
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
As a long-time pageant fan, I am very excited to be participating in Miss Universe Canada as my first pageant.  I have been watching the Miss Universe pageants ever since I was a little girl and have been loving the direction the organization is taking.  Hopefully my years of watching and my passion for pageants will make my pageant debut a fun and exciting experience.
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