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 philippines vence miss international queen 2022.

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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:28 pm
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 HPzn4t
Sovan Tepi Mony Sakor
This exquisite royal costume is designed under the style of an individual named (Tevy) representing the protector of all water bodies, who provides imperishable water for the lives on earth. In addition, she gives the precious sources of food and other materials in the form of water for living things on earth to go through their endless life cycles. This costume represents a loud voice of a large water body that links all continents to form the universe and all living beings. The Mahavari, or the great water, has a merit for all lives that are born and live under the rule of nature, which they deserve respect and prestige to live as human. Stop discrimination against sexuality from now; we are not able to choose birth, but we are able to choose our own practices and social principles.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:29 pm
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 HPzzan

Snow Owl
A source of guidance and wisdom.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:30 pm
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 HPzIvs
Goddess of gold
Born from the ingenuity of designer Randy Severiche, inspired by the vast wealth of pre-Columbian goldsmithing, which is characterized by the beauty and precision of its details.

It is for them that this piece is made of thousands of golden liminllas, which have an arduous 3d embossing work. Bordered in Swarovski, Tchaikovsky and Austrian crystals.

Finished with fine blue feathers, as an emulation of the water landscapes of our land, which is precisely the place where these beautiful golden treasures have been found.

Última edición por julinha el Lun Jun 20, 2022 9:42 pm, editado 1 vez
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:31 pm
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 HPzAuf

Hummingbird Coruscans

Hummingbird Coruscans is the animal of a thousand colors of nature and the heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon. The fantasy when opening its feathers is the hallucination of the rainbow and the diversity of nature and its purity. The Coruscans hummingbird is the worship and king of the mother jungle and the Ecuadorian Amazonian tribes, considered as the messenger of man.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:32 pm
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 HPzc67

The Macaron

This year, we are honoring a French culinary specialty: the macaron!

The macaroon is a small French almond cake, grainy and soft, with a rounded shape filled with ganache.
Created back in the Renaissance Era, this fine French pastry is renowned worldwide today.

Bon appétit !
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:33 pm
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 HPzXZQ

The national bird of Honduras

Costume inspired by the national bird of Honduras, which is distinguished by its beautiful plumage of bright colors, which is mainly scarlet red, mixed with some blue, green and yellow feathers that start from its wings to its tail, on its body a Meticulous crystal work in various forms giving references to the ancient Mayan civilizations. This is HONDURAS.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:36 pm
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Ardhanarishvara, Sanskrit: “Lord Who Is Half Woman composite male-female figure of the Hindu god Shiva together with his consort Parvati. As seen in many Indian and Southeast Asian sculptures, the right (male) half of the figure is adorned with the traditional ornaments of Shiva.

Ardhanarishvara symbolizes that the male and female principles are inseparable. The composite form conveys the unity of opposites (coniunctio oppositorum) in the universe.

Ardhanarishvara represents the synthesis of masculine and feminine energies of the universe (Purusha and Prakriti)

The union of these principles is exalted as the root and womb of all creation.

The union of Purusha (Shiva) and Prikriti (Shiva's energy, Shakti) generates the universe, an idea also manifested in the union of the Linga of Shiva and Yoni of Devi creating the cosmos.

Although the human body has a symmetrical appearance when viewed externally, as a result of exact measurements taken from a great number of cadavers and living subjects, it has been established that the two halves of the human body are in reality never symmetrical.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:37 pm
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The Story of the Samudra Mantana

Inspired by the story of the search for Tirta Amerta or the water of immortality involving gods and giants. This quest requires the gods and giants to stir the sea of ​​​​ksera ( ksera immediately) which is represented by a blue dress with sparkling ocean foam. The stirring of the ocean must use the mandara mountain (mandara giri). This ocean stirrer can run by involving 4 sacred figures in Hinduism namely dragon basuki, dragon antaboga, garuda and badhawang nala. These four holy figures are symbolized clearly and performed in this dress.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 630994
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:38 pm
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Talking about Japan , everyone must be thinking about the kimono. but besides, There are also many beautiful things. It cannot be explained all, even if it's just a small part that we want to show to everyone. Therefore, this national costume is made.

Start with an orange robe, the orange color means autumn leaves. Orange and red means the lights in autumn.

The Japanese crane bird means long life. In the past, the Japanese used clothes with Japanese crane patterns in important or auspicious ceremonies.

The Fujisan is the mountain that no one does not know about. It’s the national mountain of Japan. which is the tallest and largest can see from far away Fujisan’s appearance will change with the seasons.

The last one, The Japanese flag. It’s a simple flag but has meaning, white color is mean purity and cleanliness. The red circle in the middle is morning sunrise.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 630994
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:39 pm
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 HPIfHu


Hanbok is a traditional Korean dress characterized beautiful colors and meticulously woven lines without pockets.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:39 pm
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 HPIqAb

The Light Ship of Laos

Inspiration is from Ship fire festival. It is a tradition that has been passed down for a long time. Which from the end of Buddhist Lent It is a festival of light boats flowing to worship the river. The jewelry was inspired by Wat Phra That Phu Sri Temple Luang Prabang. The black dress changed like the night.
As for the color of the ornaments, it is red, the color of flames that sparks in the night.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:40 pm
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This National Costume is inspired by the Beautiful Musical Instruments Brass Gong from Sabah, (North Borneo)

As the Brass Gong is one of the most valuable item among The North Borneo People. It also represents one’s wealth in the olden days and as this Brass Gong always associate with many celebrations, ritual and important events.

For the bamboo traditional 8 pipes flute it is known as the Sompoton one of the beautiful instrument that the Sabah native people have. It is a very significant instrument to the Sabahan people,

The yellow flower and paddy are to represent the major harvest festival that is always celebrated during May in Sabah.

The yellow flower always associated with the beautiful local beauty pageant known as “THE UNDUK NGADAU”

The Rafflesia flowers are to represented the beautiful Rafflesia conservation centre that we have in Tambunan Sabah.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:41 pm
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 HPITKP


The suit is made with 100% handmade embroidery with more than 3000 thousand colorful crystals that adorn and represent the jewels of our Mexica culture, the design is inspired by the Aztec pre-Hispanic clothing and its embroidery in the precious stones that they used to give it light. and shine Asus garments, it has a layer where the most representative of our culture is embodied, and a beautiful plume that represented the majesty of its Aztec rulers.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:44 pm
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 HPIul1

Pájaro Chogüy - Chogüy Bird

Legend tells that in a tree
There was a native guarani
And by the screams of her mother he lost support and fell out of the tree and lost his life.

And by a magical force, by the tears of her mother falling in his body, in the arms of his mother in a bird he turned.
Chogüí, chogüí, chogüí
So pretty he looks
Crying and thinking he went away
Chogüí, chogüí, chogüí
So pretty he looks
Losing himself in the Depth of the blue sky
And since day she remembers
Whenever a bird sings
Far away like an echo, with chogui
Like a Melody of a tune that sounds happy and exciting
From a beautiful Orange tree that repeats nonstop

Singing and pecking the Orange trees
Whis is his favorite fruit
Repeating his chant nonstop
Chogüí, chogüí, chogüí
So pretty he looks
Crying and thinking he went away
Chogüí, chogüí, chogüí
so pretty he looks, so beautiful he goes away
Losing himself in the Depth of the blue sky
Losing himself in the Depth of the blue sky
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 GejDcrdLun Jun 20, 2022 9:44 pm
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philippines vence miss international queen 2022.  - Página 10 HPIlxR

Sinchi Kallpa: The Sun Warrior

Inspired by a female warrior of the Inka Empire, this suit is made from recycled paper and melted plastic, with the main purpose of spreading care for the environment.
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