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 candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary.

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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. Empty
MensajeTema: candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary.
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdDom Oct 02, 2022 8:26 pm
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Última edición por julinha el Mar Oct 11, 2022 8:21 pm, editado 3 veces
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. Empty
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candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 4:36 pm
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miss argentina
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. ZyXS2hh
Name: Daiana Stefani Paereyra
Country: Argentina
Age: 24
Measurements: 85/58/90
Height: 1,72 m
Eye Color: Honey
Profession / Job:Model and Director of a Foundation helping people in a community
Hobbies: Art, Dancing Tango and solidarity work
Life-Motto: everything can be beautiful, even the most ugliest
Special Talent: Ballerina and Tango
Languages: English, Spanish
Smoking: No
Daiana was born in Misiones in the Iguazu Falls, one of the 8 wonders of the world. She is a professional model having 3 community aid organizations in which people are trained to be entrepreneurs of their own trades, such as weavers, seamstresses, kitchen teachers and in this way they can maintain their homes. This activity increased due to the economic fluctuations caused by the pandemic. Currently the organizations are mostly directed by women. That’s why Daiana, through her image and beauty, is inspiring other women and men to be their own boss and pay the expenses needed to support their families. Recently it was convened by other Foundations to make the same effort with retirees, since in most Latin countries older adults suffer abandonment with low wages and health problems because they feel useless and without activity that allows them a better old age and a better mental health.

Última edición por julinha el Lun Oct 03, 2022 4:58 pm, editado 2 veces
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
Puntos : 948028
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. Empty
MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary.
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 4:42 pm
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miss australia
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. RyYxwta
 Name: Courtney Tester
Country: Australia
Age: 25
Measurements: 81/67/86
Height: 1,65 m
Eye Color: Hazel
Profession / Job: Primary Teacher
Hobbies: Community service, creative arts and keeping active
Life-Motto: Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I’m possible — Audrey Hepburn
Special Talent: Dancing, drawing and makeup artistry
Languages: English
Smoking: No
‘All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them,’ – Walt Disney Once upon a time I was a young girl with big dreams to take over the world. Little did I know where this journey in life would take me. By being courageous enough to enter the Miss Intercontinental system I have been blessed with the opportunity to represent my country internationally. We can all achieve our goals in live with one courageous and fearless step to pursue them. I hail from a small coastal town in Western Australia and moved to Perth as an adolescent with my family for a better education. I studied a double bachelor of business and art at university and entered my first professional role as a Human Resources officer at 21. After only 6 months I realised I had a greater purpose in life and returned to university to complete my masters in education with the goal to inspire children to follow their dreams. I am now a primary school educator working with young children from diverse backgrounds with different abilities. Ever since I was young I knew I wanted to help people but never realised the impact that this would have on my life. Every day I get to be a role model for young children, teaching them the importance of respect, resilience and striving to achieve your goals. My students know how passionate I am about my job, and how dedication and persistence has gotten me to where I am today. As a devoted educator I value education equality and the importance of ensuring that children have equal opportunities in life despite poverty and marginalisation. It is my mission to promote this on the international stage and spread the message of equal education. My power of beauty is spreading the gift of kindness through philanthropy and inspiring young people to dream and achieve anything they set their mind on.

Última edición por julinha el Lun Oct 03, 2022 4:56 pm, editado 1 vez
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. Empty
MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary.
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 4:44 pm
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miss bahamas
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. O9Mtc1m
Name: Marechan Burrows
Country: Bahamas
Age: 23
Measurements: 83/68/91
Height: 1,80 m
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Profession / Job: Foreign Service Officer/ Journalist
Hobbies: Meeting People, Screenwriting, Snorkeling
Life-Motto: Character is powerful.
Special Talent: Amateur Rapper
Languages: English, Beginning Mandarin
Smoking: No
As an island girl at heart, Marechan values the simplicity of life. Growing up in The Bahamas has enabled her to develop a strong sense of cultural identity, confidence and patriotism. Love for her country led her to pursue a Master’s Degree in Public Relations from Syracuse University, where she graduated cum laude in 2021. Now a Foreign Service Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she is equipped with skills in diplomatic relations in addition to the savvy communications skills of her degree to carry the title of a goodwill ambassador for the country through pageantry. As a self-proclaimed daredevil, she loves to explore the various thrills of life; this can include anything from trying some of the most exotic foods to swimming with ferorcious sharks (something she personally cannot wait to experience) and also writing and directing Public Service Announcements. Marechan is a certified youth leader, who is passionate about the eradication of childhood obesity across the globe. She works with organizations such as HaLt Bahamas and advocates for the promotion of proper health nutrition across the Country. She is very determined to ensure that every child in the public school system receives free healthy breakfast and lunch packages. She lives by the motto that “character is power”, which is why she encourages women, men, girls and boys alike to use their inner strength as a means of creating change – because the strength of a person is ultimately determined by their character.

Última edición por julinha el Lun Oct 03, 2022 4:55 pm, editado 1 vez
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
Puntos : 948028
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. Empty
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candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 4:45 pm
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miss bangladesh
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. CnQopkp
Name: Zabiba Sazzad
Country: Bangladesh
Age: 18
Measurements: 71/79
Height: 1,57 m
Eye Color: Brown
Profession / Job: Model and Student
Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Acting, Painting, Reading, Cooking and Sports
Life-Motto: Success comes after hard work.
Special Talent: Acting, Public Speaking, Dancing, Painting
Languages: English, Bangla, Hindi and Urdu
Smoking: No
Greetings to all of you! I’m Zabiba Sazzad and I’m a runway model in Bangladesh and I have done runways and billboard shoots and I’ve been doing acting for over a year now, I have done music videos and tv shows. I consider myself a dreamer and someone who can achieve things through hard work because I always believed success comes after hard work.

Última edición por julinha el Lun Oct 03, 2022 4:54 pm, editado 1 vez
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
Puntos : 948028
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. Empty
MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary.
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 4:49 pm
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miss belgium
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. RVoVk5m
Name: Laurine Remans
Country: Belgium
Age: 20
Measurements: 80/68/94
Height: 1,72 m
Eye Color: Blue
Profession / Job: Self employed
Hobbies: Baking, fitness, volleyball
Life-Motto: Your time is now
Special Talent: Good with animals
Languages: Dutch, englisch, french
Smoking: No
I’m a young woman with a lot of ambitions. I’m taking care of the world, people and animals. I want to make a better future for my Children.

Última edición por julinha el Lun Oct 03, 2022 5:02 pm, editado 2 veces
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
Puntos : 948028
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
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MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary.
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 4:51 pm
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miss brazil
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. XxIF333
Name: Maria Cecília Almeida de Sousa
Country: Brazil
Age: 23
Measurements: 90/65/93
Height: 1,78 m
Eye Color: Green
Profession / Job: Model/Dancer/Personal Trainer
Hobbies: Dancing/singing/cooking
Life-Motto: Believe that you’ll succeed, and you’ll.
Special Talent: Dancing
Languages: Portuguese/English
Smoking: No
My name is Cecília Almeida, I’m 23 years old, I was born in the city of Teresina in the state of Piauí, located in the northeast of Brazil. The country in which I will have the honor and great opportunity to represent the 50th anniversary of Miss Intercontinental! I have always been involved in the art world, and at the age of 5 I started doing classical ballet, and after 12 years I graduated in dance! Dance for me is one of the most sublime sensations there is, both for the body and for the mind. At 12 I started working as a model, and I was able to learn a lot about people, points of view and believing in my own ability! As a result, today I minister workshops to girls who are starting their careers in the field. I also have a degree in physical education, the human body and its aspects have always vaccinated me, as well as sports! Today I use my training to promote health and fullness of life to elderly women in a neighborhood in my city, with classes aimed at this age group. Being a miss was something that happened suddenly, I didn’t dream of it. But it was one of the best surprises of my life, because I discovered that I could do more, that I could be the voice of many people, draw attention to many issues through my platform of influence. And how amazing is the ability we have to touch other people’s lives through our story and the message we share. And because of so much pride and love in representing my people and my country, that I am extremely happy and looking forward to being with all the other participants in Sharm el sheikh and making it an unforgettable event!
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
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MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary.
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 5:08 pm
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miss cambodia
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. LJtUFK6
Name: Sim Sreymom
Country: Cambodia
Age: 22
Measurements: 92/72/87
Height: 1,70 m
Eye Color: Black
Profession / Job: Modeling
Hobbies: Reading book, traveling
Life-Motto: Stop comparing yourself to other people you’re the only one on this planet to be you, not someone else’s imitation of you.
Special Talent: Drawing
Languages: Khmer, English
Smoking: No
My name’s Sim SreyMom. I am a girl who was born at kompong Cham province. Riau On Monday 3 April 2000. As a second daughter of 3 children. I graduated from Royal university of Phnom Penh. My hobby is traveling and reading book. I am the one who has big dream.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
Puntos : 948028
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
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MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary.
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 5:10 pm
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miss cameroon
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. K6iLwDn
Name: Enanga Ndolo Mbesa
Country: Cameroon
Age: 28
Measurements: 93/72/100
Height: 1,80 m
Eye Color: Brown
Profession / Job: Teacher
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, Traveling
Life-Motto: Assuming my Identity
Special Talent: Singing
Languages: English, French , Thai , Spanish Basics
Smoking: No
I am called Enanga Ndolo Mbesa, 28 years of age . I am a model, Teacher and a cosmetic brand owner . I love dancing, singing and spending time with kids with special needs. I am passionate about pageantry and telling the world more about my country Cameroon . I go by my personal motto of Assuming my identity because I believe we are all beautiful in different shapes , sizes and color. To me beauty is about the inner appearance and how humble we are towards others not physical appearance. I am honored to represent my country cameroon in the 50th Edition for Miss intercontinental in Egypt this is an honor as well as a responsibility to carry out the dreams of many in my country. Growing up as a child I came to realize there is beauty in each and everyone of us provided we back it up with a purpose set for us. I have participated in several beauty pageants before such as Miss Tourism International in 2016 and made top 10 best Talents in Malaysia Miss supermodel international in Thailand and win supermodel Africa Miss Global Charity Queen in Taiwan and won Miss congeniality Queen of Tourism International Miss Lumiere International and won Best National Custume Miss Glam world and won Miss perfect Ten and 3rd Runner up Miss charity international and won Best National Custume and second Runner up. It will be an honor to carry the vision of 26 million Cameroonians to Represent Cameroon in Egypt.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
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candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. Empty
MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary.
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 5:31 pm
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miss canada
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. OJBm2PL
Name: Rachel Arhin
Country: Canada
Age: 24
Measurements: 85/65/91
Height: 1,74 cm
Eye Color: Brown
Profession / Job: Senior Advisor, Government
Hobbies: Tennis, volunteering, baking
Life-Motto: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”
Special Talent: Hula hooping, public speaking
Languages: English, French
Smoking: No
I hold a degree in Policy Management and Economics and currently work as a Senior Advisor for the Government of Canada. I speak English and French, and my admiration for different cultures and languages, inspired me to pursue a career as a Diplomat. I’m a peacemaker at heart. I believe in the power of compassion. This is why I have dedicated my platform as Miss Canada to giving back to others; from community volunteering to holding mentorship workshops for government hopefuls. I am always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. In my spare time, I enjoy tennis and painting; I can make a noteworthy cheesecake from scratch, and love spending time spoiling my nieces and nephews. It is an honor to represent Canada at the 50th anniversary of Miss Intercontinental. I am more than ready to show the world that I am an exemplary African-Canadian woman that can influence change and exude the true power of beauty.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
Puntos : 948028
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
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MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary.
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 5:33 pm
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miss chile
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. HyWqCTz
Name: Kelsey Kohler Rojas
Country: Chile
Age: 23
Measurements: 89/64/98
Height: 1,76 m
Eye Color: Brown
Profession / Job: Law Student
Hobbies: Martial Arts, Social work with pets, learn languages, traveler, cooking, children empowerment and model
Life-Motto: to be able to demonstrate yo all those who doubt themselves that no bad experience determines that we can achieve
Special Talent: my special talent is martial arts
Languages: Swudish, Norwegian, Spanish and English
Smoking: No
I was born ans raised up in Chile, in Quilpue. I’m Chilean and Swedish citizen. From the very young age of 3 years old I began taking ballet classes until I was 11 years old and we decided it was a good idea to try martial arts to learn a new skill that after years became my biggest strength When I was 14 years old we were going through a very tough economical situation with my family, and decided to move to Norway for a year, that year became 2 years. I studied Norwegian and learned English too, it was hard because I could only speak Spanish when we moved but it was such a great experience that helped me grow up and learn from different cultures as Norway is a really multicultural country. We got back to Chile and after i finished school I began studying law and participating in regional and national beauty pageants. After years of being bullied and harassed at school when I was 10 I never thought I would get to this, being part of the Miss Chile organization in their 70th anniversary and representing Chile in the 50th Miss intercontinental’s anniversary is a dream come true. I’ve been able to overcome my fears, gain personality and self confidence through participating in beauty pageants, that’s why they have become a huge part of my life, even as a future lawyer, and that’s why I feel the responsibility of sharing that from this platform It took time but finally, after 4 tries I’m able to represent my country at such an amazing event as Miss Intercontinental.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
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MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary.
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 5:35 pm
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miss colombia
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. Nozfnnm
Name: Estefania Munoz Jaramillo
Country: Colombia
Age: 29
Measurements: 94/69/100
Height: 1,78 m
Eye Color: Brown
Profession / Job: Journalist and comunícate educational
Hobbies: Cooking, do sports, share time with my family, meditation, horseback riding
Life-Motto: All you need is within you
Special Talent: Journalist sport
Languages: Spanish, English
Smoking: No
I was born in Medellín, Colombia, a charming and innovative city. I come from a Paisa family full of values ​​that shaped me into the woman I am today. I am a social and educational communicator, I have been a model since I was 15 years old and that has allowed me to open many important doors in my country to lead social projects. My passion is sports and business life, I love and value the connection with nature and animals. Today I have focused my life on meditation and spiritual evolution to build a better version of myself and be an inspiration to other women.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
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candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 5:38 pm
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miss costa rica
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. 6kIAxp7
Name: Dayanna Watson Marchena
Country: Costa Rica
Age: 26
Measurements: 90/71/99
Height: 1,71 m
Eye Color: Brown
Profession / Job: IT engineer student
Hobbies: I love cook delicious dessert actually I have my own business as a chocolate artist
Life-Motto: I am my decision not my circumstances
Special Talent: Make delicious with chocolate
Languages: Spanish, English
Smoking: No
I’m that kind of person,that thinks , that if God gives you a dream it’s because you can get it, no matter what. In my live I hade to past for some many obstacles that makes me believer that if I can you can to, because we are our decisions not our circumstances.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
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candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 5:40 pm
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miss crimea
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. Em2eWua
Name: Liliana Galenko
Country: Crimea
Age: 20
Measurements: 83/58/88
Height: 1,76 m
Eye Color: Green
Profession / Job: I am studying at the University, I am going to be a judge.
Hobbies: I am keen on sport, i have been doing gymnastics since 6 years old, i like cycling, jogging. I am a dolphin trainer.
Life-Motto: Follow your dreams and never, never give up
Special Talent: I am candidate master of sport in gymnastics. I represented Crimea at the World Gymnastics Championships
Languages: English, Russian
Smoking: No
My name is Liliana. I was born in Crimea 9 th of January. My family is international because my mom is Tatar and my dad is Half Italian and half Russian. When I was a child I took up a lot of hobbies, such as: rhythmic gymnastics, ballroom dancing, volleyball, boxing. I have been doing gymnastics since I was six. Furthermore I represented Crimea at the World Gymnastics Championships. One of my favourite hobbies is to spend time with dolphins, I adore these amazing creatures and that’s why I am a dolphin trainer. I am fond of modelling, since childhood I have been interested in fashion and beauty sphere. I have some experience and skills in it. I often participate in different photoshoots and commercials. I prefer to wear smart clothes and look nice. As for my education I am studying to be a judge. I like travelling. I have been to a lot of places Italy, France, German, Israel, Turkey, Spain. I prefer European cuisine. When I have some free time I usually go to European restaurants and cafes. I can described myself as outgoing, friendly, honest, ambitious, competitive, hardworking, creative, reliable and organised person.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 620977
Puntos : 948028
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. Empty
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candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. GejDcrdLun Oct 03, 2022 5:42 pm
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miss cuba
candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. B5Hm0ug

Name: Lourdes Feliu

Country: Cuba

Age: 21

Measurements: 81/65/93

Height: 1,74 m

Eye Color: Brown

Profession / Job: Paralegal

Hobbies: Modeling, Cycling, Teaching Modeling

Life-Motto: Stop worrying about what can go wrong, and focus on what can go right.

Special Talent: Cooking

Languages: English & Spanish

Smoking: No

Lourdes Feliu is 21 year old and is representing Cuba at MISS INTERCONTINENTAL in Sharm el Sheik, Egypt. In the morning she works as a Paralegal and at night she teaches modeling to young ladies. From a very young she knew she wanted to work in fashion industry. Lourdes have walked for NYFW and Paris Fashion Week, even worked with Macy’s. In her spare time, other than modeling, she train hard at the gym or learn how to cook new foods; she find it to be a great way to connect with other cultures. She enjoys to attend fundraiser events for Autism walks and visit Cancer patients. After participating in the Miss Cuba pageant, she got out of my comfort zone and prove that she have what it takes to be Miss Cuba and become the next Miss Intercontinental. With hard work, dedication and passion anything is possible.

Última edición por julinha el Miér Oct 12, 2022 7:12 pm, editado 2 veces
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candidatas a miss intercontinental 2022. final: 14 oct. sede: egypt. 50th anniversary. Empty
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